Chapter 3

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Lisa kicks a small rock, the scrape of her sneakers against the pavement sending it flying forward at full speed. She sighs, her mind racing with ideas. Where could Jennie be?

She doesn't take her eyes off the exit of the gym. No luck. It's either men who look her way and smirk, flexing their biceps from under their shirt or women who look at her like she's a creep. Well, she isn't in any position to disagree.

The first and most rational explanation would be that Jennie is avoiding her. Somehow Jennie must have slipped out of her workplace, then probably skipped the Monday grocery spree she has and went home.

Home.  Jennie's house.

Lisa clenches her palm on the bench-seat.

"Stop it, Lisa. That would be fucking creepy." She whispers to herself with irritation.

Then she suddenly thinks back to what Jennie had implied the first time they'd met. People are trying to kill her. Something could have happened. Oh lord.

"Fuck." She mutters, shaking her head.

So here she is. Standing outside Jennie's door, her hand hovering over the switch of the doorbell. Shit, she thinks and wipes her palms against her jeans, but to no avail. She takes a deep breath in, almost pressing the switch but then she makes her fingers land beside it and press against the wall.

"What's the worst that could happen, huh? You'd go to jail. Jail. Jail..." She chants nervously, quickly hitting the doorbell switch, the loud motion a symbol of her determination.


Her heart isn't calming down.


She swallows thickly, the dryness of her throat surprising her. Yikes. This was a bad decision for sure. Maybe she should just run-

"Yes?" The door opens only slightly and Lisa has to tilt her body to catch Jennie's feline eyes peeking from behind the entrance.

She sighs in relief.

"Sorry I just...needed to know you're okay." Lisa says softly, nervous about how Jennie will react.

She's met with silence.

Jennie's staring at her. With narrowed eyes, but there isn't any hostility in them. Lisa waits...for whatever. A slap? Pretty likely. But she hears a faint gasp escape Jennie's lips.

"Y-you'" Jennie says in shock and Lisa suddenly realizes she's not wearing her mask today. Right. Jennie has never seen her without a mask.

"Your stalker. Yes." Lisa fills in.

"What are you doing here?" Jennie asks, releasing a breath from her cheeks that come into view as the door moves backward a little. They're redder than usual.

"I waited for you outside of your workplace...then I checked the grocery store, then the gym. You were nowhere...." Lisa flushes under Jennie's questioning gaze. "Yeah, this is embarassing." Lisa says with a sheepish smile.

"Look, you look like a...umm," Jennie looks at her up and down, "decent person, okay? This stalking won't get you anywhere so-"

Lisa's eyes widen and she surges forward, catching Jennie's wrists with her palms. She breathes nervously, half by how this is the first time she's touched Jennie, and half by how Jennie was about to pass out just now.

"Jennie?" She says, her mind a haze although she'd like for the words to come out. She desperately wants to ask if the girl is okay but she herself isn't sure if she's alright at this point. The tip of her fingers buzz with a weird electricity as she tries to focus on Jennie's well-being.

"It's...fine." Jennie says absently, her head lowered as her breaths come out in short bursts. Jennie's skin is soft against Lisa's palms, Lisa notices tenderly, but the heat radiating off of her is prominent.

One of Lisa's hands finds its way to Jennie's forehead before she can stop, making Jennie flinch lightly but not retract.

Lisa frowns deeply, "God, you're burning up."

Jennie doesn't answer, only keeps her head lowered, her eyes fixed in the space between them.

"Are you alone?" Lisa asks, Jennie's head snapping up, her widened eyes gazing into Lisa's.

"Shut up." She says and Lisa tilts her head in confusion.

"I'll take that as a yes." Lisa says, still unsure as Jennie's fierce eyes stay trained on her. Lisa smiles out of her will. Jennie's adorable.

She gently pushes Jennie backwards, the girl staring at her dumbly as the former kicks the door closed behind her with her foot. Jennie seems to snap out of it and her jaw falls, her mouth wide open.

"Did you just barge into my house?" She says.

Lisa chuckles.

Your Stalker // jenlisaWhere stories live. Discover now