Chapter 1

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Lisa loses her right there. She darts her eyes left and right, but nothing. The dark of the alley is even more prominent to her, now that she's not intensely focused on a certain brunette she just lost sight of.

"Move and I pull the trigger." An icy voice whispers from behind her, something...solid being pressed against her mid back.'s a gun, Lisa thinks in panic, her hands starting to shake beside her.

"W-what do you want? Money? My phone? Uh, the...the watch?" Lisa desperately offers, not daring to move and lets out a yelp when the gun presses up harder against her back, her muscles flaring up with a biting ache.

"Oh, don't you go fucking with me now! You've been following me for the past month. You think I haven't noticed?" The voice roars behind her and Lisa shivers at the fullness of the voice.

It takes her three seconds at best to understand what's going on and despite her fear, she snaps her head back at the person she's been hopelessly infatuated with for the last two months. The gun and the sting of it digging in her back is nothing to her at this point.

"Jennie..." She breathes out in a whisper, willing in her head for the woman to speak again. She wants to memorize every little octave of that beautiful voice. She's currently trying to memorize that one adorable mole Jennie has beneath her left eyebrow that you could only notice from being this close to the woman. Lisa feels honoured.

Jennie's eyes widen dramatically and she freezes, not knowing what to do. Her mouth moves wordlessly as her feet drag slowly backwards.

"Don't even think about coming near me." Jennie threatens as she backs up, and Lisa thinks she's about to bolt.

"Please don't run. Not yet." Lisa says helplessly, feeling her heart pulled to Jennie's direction.

"Who sent you?!" Jennie exclaims, her voice shaky as Lisa's eye catches the phone in Jennie's hand. Oh, so it wasn't a gun.

Lisa tilts her head, confused. She's not sure what the question means. She stares at Jennie's glassy eyes, trying to look for something to give the context of her question away, but all she sees is rage. And fear. Jennie is scared of her. It crumples Lisa's poor heart.

"I'm sorry. I know it's creepy...stalking you like this." Lisa says dejectedly, digging her hands in her jacket's pockets because she suddenly feels cold. She knew Jennie was out of her league but she didn't need the girl to look at her like she's a freak. Although, well, at this point she is.

"Who. Sent. You." Jennie enunciates, venom spilling from her beautiful plump lips and Lisa frowns.

"What do you mean?" She asks, voicing her confusion of the question.

"Stop playing dumb! If you want to take me out, why not just do it right now?!"

Lisa turns her body slowly to Jennie's direction, watching Jennie's stance shift to an even more rigid, defensive one.

"And you'd say yes? To a stalker?" Lisa asks with surprise.

"What?" Jennie asks exasperatedly. "What are these little games you're playing? Is this how you're gonna take me out because it's such a waste-" Jennie's feline eyes widen, the words she was about to say dissolving in her mouth. "Are you flirting with me right now?" She asks angrily and Lisa's face scrunches up in confusion.

"You're the one who told me now to just take you out."

"What the fuck? What? Are you- you're playing with me. You're fucking with me right now."

"I don't know what's happening here. I'm really confused and considering the possibility that you're the one trying to mess with me because I'm...well, your stalker. I guess it's fair." Lisa says with a sad pout, bunching the fluffy fabric in her pocket between her palms.

"I'm literally telling you to kill me right now if you've got the balls and you're fucking angering me!" Jennie spits out frustratedly and Lisa's eyes widen.

"Kill you?" She asks with disbelief, searching Jennie's face for any hint of amusement. This must be a joke.

"Oh my god..." Jennie whispers in the most annoyed tone ever, the tension in her jaw highlighted even in the dark.

"People are actually trying to kill you?!" Lisa asks, suddenly concerned about Jennie's safety. "Jennie..." She feels out of breath. "You need to go." She can't make her stand at this narrow secluded alley knowing people are trying to murder her.

"Oh no no, stop acting all dumb and nice now. You're trying to kill me!" Jennie shouts.

"I'm trying to protect you!"

"Why would you want to do that?!"

"Because I like you!" Lisa exclaims, a silence falling over them.

"You're...a...stalker." Jennie says, her voice calming down for the first time. Lisa lets the awed tone of Jennie's voice imprint itself into her very being.

"I am....your stalker."

A/N: I followed up from this oneshot (from my oneshot fic "words in pink", it's on my profile, feel free to check them out) and I'm hoping to complete a book now LMAO.

Your Stalker // jenlisaWhere stories live. Discover now