Chapter 5

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Jisoo gasps.

"Lisa?!" The older girl utters in shock, her widened eyes darting from Jennie to the named girl.

Jennie furrows her eyebrows at the back of Lisa's head, watching it tilt, both gestures their own expressions of confusion.

"Hey? Jisoo?" Lisa says as Jennie walks fast, quickly finding her place beside Lisa.

"How do you know my sister?" She asks cluelessly, watching Lisa's eyes snap to her and almost pop out of her sockets.

"Y-your what?" Lisa asks to Jennie quietly, making Jennie grow even more confused.

"Her sister, bitch." Jisoo fills in happily, seemingly unfazed by her own initial reaction.

A mortified expression crosses Lisa's features as she looks ahead, scanning Jisoo's face as if waiting for her to laugh obnoxiously and say something along the lines of "gotcha bitch!", but the older girl looks serious for once in her life. That one time Lisa didn't want her to be. Fucking nonsense.

"So y'all met in college or what?" Jisoo says, ungracefully shoving Lisa out of the way while entering Jennie's house.

Jennie keeps a straight face, trying to keep her nerves in control as the so-called butterflies flutter wildly in her stomach. Unpleasant.

"College?" Lisa asks dumbly, clearly unknowing of the fact that they studied at the same institution for years.

"What are you on, Manoban? Last time I checked, Rosé wasn't supplying that grass anymore." Jisoo says giving Lisa an annoyed look but then smirking in Jennie's way. "Just kidding, sis. None of them actually do it." She winks as Jennie shakes her head, not appreciating the pointless joke.

"Why would you assume college, Jisoo?" Lisa asks with a deep frown and Jennie can almost hear the wheels turning up in her head.

Jisoo looks at her as if she's crazy.

"If you did not meet Jennie at college...Well excuse you, Lisa, what have you been doing with my sister?" Jisoo asks, gazing at Lisa with narrow eyes.

" what- huh-" Lisa stammers pathetically and Jennie mentally facepalms.

"Stop it. Jisoo, can you be serious for once?" Jennie says irritably and Jisoo undrapes and throws her scarf to the floor dramatically. Jennie breathes through her teeth, trying to keep herself in control despite the knowledge that it costed $79.68 solely, ruining her whole budget last Christmas.

"Well, fuck, do I not look serious enough right now? I just stumbled to your door nearly surviving that intense blizzard out there and I see this...I don't know, my best friend who's got this hot piece of ass in my sister's house and you both look kind of...suspicious with your crumpled clothing and messy hair, so...what am I supposed to think?" Jisoo asks in a grave voice and Lisa looks like she's ready to bolt right this second through the door.

Jennie's eyes snap to the window by the living room, watching the snow rush down behind the clear glass in all directions.

"Best friend?" Jennie can't help but ask although she knows prying is dangerous.

"Yas! My best hoe right here." Jisoo says, slinging an arm around Lisa's shoulder, making her slump to the former girl's height not-too-happily.

"Rosé was my college friend. I met Jisoo through her." Lisa fills in, Jennie waiting for the girl to elaborate.

"Rosé?" Jennie asks quizzically, Lisa's eyes widening.

"You don't know Rosé?" Lisa asks as Jennie shakes her head almost immediately.

"That'd be my angel of a girlfriend." Jisoo says with a dreamy sigh.

Jennie's eyes bulge out of her sockets.

"Excuse me, Kim Jisoo. I have not been introduced to this girlfriend of yours regardless of us being sisters? Weren't you beating your drums about that just now?" Jennie exasperates and Lisa seems shocked by the information.

"Oh I see what you're doing..." Jisoo narrows her eyes, amusement swimming in them, "You're turning the guns at me so I can't point out your little scandal going on with this girl right here." Lisa shakes her head feverishly. Jennie rolls her eyes to the point that Lisa thinks they might as well get stuck at the back of her head.

"Nothing is going on between me and your best friend." Jennie refutes the accusation simply.

Jisoo's eyes shine with something Jennie can't place as she says, "Oooooh, I hear disappointment right there. So much disappointment. You're drowning in the mushyass miseries of disappointment, my dear sister."

Jennie hates how her voice catches in her throat.

"Wh-what?! You! Jisoo, you need to shut up before I hurl your ass right back to that blizzard out there." Jennie threatens but Jisoo seems unfazed, making disgusting kissing sounds as she holds up her two hands, making the tips of her fingers meet to display the kiss. Her eyes dart between Lisa and Jennie, and the former seems fully uncomfortable by the situation. And Jennie is fuming.

"Your girlfriend is going to get so widowed if you don't stop right now." Jennie threatens again, the efforts futile as Jisoo bats her eyelashes at her sister challengingly.

Jisoo only shuts her eyes when a yawn is at bay. She breathes deeply with her eyes closed, looking like she's about to pass out on the floor.

"Well, goodnight, I guess. Don't even think of going out there in that goddamn blizzard, Manoban. Just stay with Jennie for the night." Jisoo says simply, causing the other two girls to fidget.

Lisa looks on the fence. She's staring out the window, her expression contemplating, and Jennie finds herself doing the same. Yeah, Lisa is her stalker and all but that doesn't mean she'd let her freeze to death out in a blizzard, right?

Jennie decides for them, "You take the couch." She commands and Lisa's widened eyes study her for a while before nodding in obedience.

"What couch, sis? I'm sleeping in your room tonight." Jisoo says as if it's an usual thing to occur.

"What?!" Jennie whispers forcefully, her body starting to feel hot, half by her anger at Jisoo and half by what her sister is insinuating. The only other room in this house is the guest room and it has one bed and no couch which means....

"You're sharing the other room's bed with Lisa." Jisoo says happily, ready to walk away.

"But this is my house!" Jennie exclaims.

"Mom and dad pay for it, bruh. I'm the elder sister so I hold more rights. Now shut up and get your candy." Jisoo says, smirking in Lisa's way, blatantly referring to her as the so-called candy. Jennie flushes. She's vexed and embarassed and shocked at everything that's happening today.

First Lisa barges into her house, now her sister does the same and raids her bedroom. Marvellous.

"Goodnight, lovebirdies! Don't break the bed!" Jisoo says as she strides away and the sound of a hard slam of Jennie's bedroom door echoes through the house.

Lisa looks mortified. Jennie is just pissed.

A/N: Although Jisoo is definitely weird as a crackhead in Jenlisa fanfiction, I much rather prefer her over a cold version. It's just even weirder.

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