Chapter 6

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Jennie slams the door behind them and Lisa jumps a little. If that wasn't any indication of just how angry Jennie is, the way she's assaulting the light switches right now to the point Lisa wants to ask her to stop or they might break, is more than enough proof.

During the past month, Lisa has studied Jennie, as creepy as it sounds. Every expression passing on her face was etched into Lisa's memory, but this...This was different. Jennie just looked red with anger and like she was going to explode. Did Jennie hate being around her that much? Lisa breathes out a silent sigh. Well, it would make a lot of sense if she did.

"I- I'm sorry." Lisa says, hating how small she feels right now. It's like she had gone down this rabbit hole since that first day she had spotted Jennie outside her workplace, consoling and eventually putting a wide grin on this one child's face who was initially sobbing. The Jennie she had seen was gentle, caring and she glowed. To Lisa's eyes, she glowed a hue of golden a lot. It was beautiful. Jennie was beautiful.

Jennie's head snaps to her direction and her sharp expression goes lax.

"It's not..." Jennie sighs heavily and shakes her head. "Seriously, it's not your fault. My sister is just annoying and I'm annoyed right now. Very." Jennie says and Lisa relaxes.

"Okay, but I'm still sorry you need to deal with me right now. I could...hey, I could take the living room couch!" Lisa says and Jennie immediately shakes her head.

"I don't have it in me to make you feel so unwelcome when you literally took care of me while I was sick. It's just unethical. And I would never hear the end of it from Jisoo. Listen, Lisa, as long as you don't creepily feel me up throughout the night, it's fine." Jennie says, only meaning it as a half-joke.

"I would never do that. Ever." Lisa states firmly. Jennie is a little touched by the sincerity.

"Thank you." She finds herself saying before she can stop herself. That soft tone again. Seriously, she should get her throat checked or something. Lisa nods with a small smile.

Jennie opens the wardrobe in the room, relieved to spot two pairs of sleeping fits. "Let's get you out of those clothes." Jennie says holding up one pair and immediately regrets it, her eyes going wide against her own will.

Lisa just smiles, having caught on to Jennie's reaction. She doesn't want to embarrass Jennie any further so she nods, mutters a thank you and follows Jennie's slow finger pointing to the bathroom.

Lisa is not sleepy in the slightest. Jennie's body heat engulfing her beneath their shared blanket has her hyperaware of the girl's presence. Jennie should have allowed her on the couch because there's no way she's getting any sleep tonight.

"Hey, Jennie?" She whispers slowly, not expecting a reply.

"Yeah?" She hears Jennie whisper back and closes her eyes at the low tone. God, that's sexy.

She shakes herself out of it.

"Jisoo asked if we met in college. Why would she assume that?" Lisa asks.

There's a pregnant silence, and Lisa wonders if Jennie just fell asleep.

"Because...why don't you just ask your best friend, huh?" Jennie says irritably, making Lisa feel a little frustrated. Lisa knows that Jennie perfectly knows the reason behind it. She was just about to say it.

"I don't want to offend you in any way and you are her sister and I shouldn't be saying this but truthfully, she is a bit silly. Pardon me." Lisa says, feeling the bed shake a little before a mellow tone making its way to Jennie's voice. Jennie's laughing. Lisa almost sighs dreamily.

"I get that. You're just being honest."

"So, will you be too?"

"What, silly?" Jennie asks incredulously.

Lisa laughs lightly and shakes her head, not sure if Jennie is purposely evading the topic.

Jennie clicks her tongue.

"We may have been in the same college." Jennie says with uncertainty coating her tone and Lisa's breath catches in her throat.

"We...what?!" Lisa whisper-yells, turning to Jennie hastily in the dark.

Jennie clears her throat a little.

"We studied in the same college." Jennie states firmer this time.

"How have I never seen you?!" Lisa asks in shock.

"Well, I mean...I was a year ahead of you, so...." Jennie trails off.

"Wait a second. No, no, wait. You knew me?!"

Jennie grips the blanket tighter. Oops.


"Oh lord, you have got to stop that, Jennie. Your words clearly imply that you knew me."

"It's's that, Jisoo mentioned you once, I think. She told me how you were her best friend and how you studied a little more than a few years below her and you know-"

"You clearly did not know me a while back when Jisoo introduced me. I just can't see the reason why you would have to lie like this-"

"Okay, I was sneaking around the Principal's office with my friend and saw your name one time-"

"Jennie." Lisa warns and it's a little intimidating.

"Well maybe I had a teeny-tiny, smaller-than-an-ant, maybe like a spec of dust sorta crush on you." Jennie blurts, immediately cupping her mouth with her hand tight.

But it's out, and she feels Lisa freeze beside her.

A/N: A little boring.

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