Chapter 8

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A/N: I am genuinely so sorry about this being so delayed but I truly couldn't come up with anything that didn't sound forced all these days, so here it is, one of my better drafts.

Lisa inhales quietly, trying to calm her nerves. She clears her throat as the caller tone goes flat.

"Halo?!" Her best friend hollers from the phone and Lisa winces.

"Hello, Jisoo. How are you doing?" Lisa says into the phone and hears a sharp thud, assuming the other girl just bumped her mic against something.

"Lisa-yahhh! Hello! Hello!" Jisoo shouts into her mic, and Lisa laughs.

"Girl, get rid of that headphone." Lisa raises her voice, hearing shuffling on the other end.

"Yes, hello, hello. Lisa. Sorry, that was my headphone." Jisoo says in a quick breath and Lisa chuckles, her nerves dissipating the slightest.

"It's fine. I'd tell you to throw it away if you didn't treasure it because Rosé gifted it to you."

"What are you talking about? It's not because of that, dummy. I'm just too fucking broke to afford another." Jisoo deadpans and Lisa squints at the words. "Nah, I'm just kidding. Of course it's because it's Chae's present." Jisoo says, laughing loudly at her own joke and Lisa shakes her head with a smile although Jisoo can't see it.

After Jisoo's laughing fit has subsided, she continues, "So how're you and why did you call?"

Lisa gulps, "I'm fine, thanks."

The line is silent for five seconds.

"And you called because....?"

"I- well, um. I-I.."

"I know it's 11 in the morning but I don't have all day, Lis."

"I wanted to ask for Jennie's number, OK? Yes, OK. Yeah, that."

"Heh? My sister's number? And why don't you have it already?"

Lisa works her jaw, pondering an answer, "I just...haven't asked for it yet."

"Slow." Jisoo says, not offering anything else.

"So, umm...can I have it?" Lisa asks in a small voice.

"Seriously I don't get you both's deal. I thought you were like, her booty call but you don't even have her number! Aish... What is going in between you both, please do tell."

Oh, lord, Lisa's going speechless too many times in this one phone call. She fiddles with the hem of her shirt nervously as she thinks about the fact that she has to call Jennie after this.

"I'll tell you later, alright? I promise you, I will. But can I please have her number now? Please, Jisoo?"

Jisoo hums, then pauses.

When she speaks up, Lisa can hear a smirk in the older girl's voice. "Well, sure why not, Lisa? On one condition, though."

Oh for the love of God.

Lisa's breath hitches. God...Jennie's beautiful. Wearing her full black dress that runs down to just a few inches below her knees and hugs her curves perfectly, she looks stunning. So Lisa tells her that, "You look absolutely stunning, Jennie." She utters softly, watching the smaller girl's cheeks pink adorably.

"You look very nice yourself, Lisa." Jennie compliments back, unable to meet the named girl's eyes.

"Thank you. Shall we?" Lisa asks, and Jennie answers with a nod, paired with a dazzling smile.

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