Chapter 4

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Jennie jerks awake.

She groans when her head feels heavy, and the fuzz in her mouth is anything but pleasant. Yuck, she thinks, running her tongue that feels like needles are pricking it in several different places, around her mouth. She swallows thickly, the dryness of her throat irritating her further.

She groans again, supporting her whole body weight on her elbows.

"Why is life so stup-" she catches herself when her eyes fall to the figure sleeping peacefully on the couch opposite to her bed.

Her stalker.

Her stalker who checked her temperature, anxiously declared to her that it was 103°F as if Jennie didn't already know that, made her Thai soup (Jennie has no idea how this girl managed to do that with the ingredients of her kitchen), a cold compress, and then put her to sleep.

She stares ahead, watching the constant rise of fall of her stalker's chest. Then wonders if the sleeping girl too, prior to falling asleep, had watched Jennie sleep. Jennie swallows when no uncomfortable feeling arises from the thought. Somehow her stalker has never seemed creepy.

Well, Jennie wouldn't have pined for the girl back in her college days if she was indeed creepy. 

Yes, she knows her stalker.

Lalisa Manoban is her name. Jennie's college crush. Pretty name, pretty face. Jennie smiles out of her will now that she finally has enough time and brainpower to think about the absurdity of the situation. Just, what the fuck?

Jennie straightens her expression when she sees Lisa stir in her sleep. Lisa rubs her eye a little hard with her fist making Jennie internally grimace. Lisa snaps her head to the direction of the bed, eventually catching Jennie's eye.

"Oh." Lisa lets out softly, tilting her head. Jennie says nothing, only stares at her stalker, her nerves making her fingers tingle. "You're up... do you feel okay?"

Jennie takes a while to answer. She needs to stop feeling this weird nervousness.
"Yeah. Thanks." She doesn't mean for it to sound so dry, but somehow Lisa always manages to make her feel like a deer caught in headlights.

"Hmm..." Lisa hums, getting up off the couch. Jennie holds her breath as the girl approaches her. She's careful with her movements, as if testing the waters. Giving Jennie enough time to be able to tell her to stop.
The moment between Lisa closing the gap between her hand and Jennie's forehead makes Jennie's body react weirdly. It makes her skin ignite. Maybe the fever is coming back, she convinces herself. 

"Okay, well, maybe I do have a fever."
"No fever."

The both say at once, Lisa's gaze snapping to Jennie in interrogation. Embarrassed, confused, hot Jennie looks to the floor, not being able to meet Lisa's worried eyes. 

"Are you feeling sick then?" her stalker asks with concern heavily present in her voice. 

"No, I just-" Feel hot from your touch. Jennie wants to scream. 

"Jennie, look, if you need to go to a doctor, I'll take you, alright? Or, if you want to call a relative or friend or anything for that, do it. Or if you need to call a doctor. I can give you space, and although it's pretty ironic coming from your stalker, trust me I can. But really, please don't neglect your health." Lisa pleads and Jennie almost melts.

"You are what they call a simp." Jennie says to hide how unreasonably flustered she feels. 

"Truly." Lisa says and shakes her head, her worry still evident in her features. 

Does Lisa never feel embarrassed or something? Or is Jennie incapable of making her feel so?

Jennie huffs.

"I need neither of those things you just mentioned." She rolls her eyes,  looking away from the attractive girl. 

"Not even..." Jennie realizes her mistake too late. "Space?" Lisa asks carefully.

"Oh my's like...everytime you talk I just want you to shut up." Jennie snaps.

The kicked puppy look Lisa gets makes Jennie want to take the words back instantly. That's definitely not how she meant it. She's getting uncharacteristically flustered and tripping over herself, and the only one she can dump all the blame on is Lisa. Goddammit, why did her stalker need to be that attractive?

"Understandable. With the belief that you really are okay in mind, I'll give you the space you need." Lisa says before storming out of the room. 

Jennie curses under her breath. She absolutely just upset Lisa. Now Lisa isn't going to stalk her, or care for her, and she won't get to see the girl's ridiculously attractive face or even date her- 

Before Jennie can reprimand herself about her absolute train-wreck of thoughts, the doorbell starts sounding wildly, ringing around the house obnoxiously. Is Lisa back? Well, that was fast, Jennie thinks a little too happily, quickly getting to her feet to rush to the door. 

She squints in confusion when she notices Lisa with her back turned towards the door, unsurely reaching out for the latch. 

The door clicks, and opens, revealing a grinning Jisoo.

A/N: So what's Jisoo even doing here? LMFAOOOOOOO

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