Chapter 7

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"Good morning." A soft voice utters as Jennie looks up to the unfamiliar girl holding her spatula in her kitchen. There's a moment of silence before she hears Lisa reply,

"Morning, Rosé."

A shiver runs through Jennie's body at Lisa's morning voice. That' Her cheeks colour, and to get her mind off it all, she looks up at Rosé again, suddenly realizing the blonde is her sister's girlfriend. Oh, wow. Isn't that the girl....

"Ha, this is awkward." Jisoo quips and Jennie looks sideways at her sister who's sitting in front of the dining table, her eyes on the Nintendo Switch she's holding.

"Good morning, Rosé. I'm Jennie, Jisoo's sister." Jennie greets as the girl grins at her and nods.

"I know. I've heard a lot about you, plus I've seen you around college." There's a certain knowing laced slyly into the words, and Jennie picks up on it as soon as they are uttered, but she has no time to dwell on it. She sees Lisa's posture stiffen in her peripheral and holds back a grimace.

She had been so dumb last night.

"Still awkward." Jisoo comments, eyes still on her Switch and Jennie glares at her.

"Oh, shut up." Rosé says but there's a fond smile plastered on her face as she stares at Jisoo, the latter looking up for the first time from her gaming console and duplicating the smile on her girlfriend's face. "You know how awkward Lisa and I were when we first met in class."

Jisoo's smile turns to a smirk before she says, "Oh yeah, you guys almost kissed."

Wow, Jennie thinks angrily. This is the girl she was jealous of in college. The way she was all over Lisa had driven Jennie crazy with jealousy, but it was hitting her all over again now and confusing her. Does she still...There's no way, right? Lisa is her stalker, for fuck's sake.

"That's because I tripped, come on." Lisa says before pulling a chair and seating herself. Jennie fidgets.

After last night's silence since Jennie had declared her tiny crush on Lisa, she wasn't so sure anymore about Lisa's feelings. The girl is full-on avoiding looking at her, let alone speaking to her at all. Lisa just seems mad.

Jennie takes the hint and squeezes her way into the chair beside Jisoo and the latter throws her a weird look.

"You guys fought?" Jisoo asks boldly and Jennie refuses to look up at her, staring at the table in embarrassment. Lisa doesn't seem to be saying anything either, and the silence stretches on. This is the most awkward moment of this morning, Jennie notes, without Jisoo having to announce it.

She hears Jisoo snicker and shake her head.

"Looks like things got hot and not in the way I wanted." Jisoo says, tilting her head a little too much in Jennie's peripheral and she realizes Jisoo's talking to Rosé who only giggles a little.

"Well, hopefully all of you want breakfast. Pancakes, to be more specific." Rosé chimes in and Jennie relaxes, the topic concerning them set down safely.

Now Jennie's stood facing Lisa awkwardly, trying to process the fact that Jisoo and her girlfriend had slyly slipped out of the main door while Lisa and her were doing god-knows-what. How fucking rude. She's so going to make Jisoo pay for this shit.

"I need to go." Lisa says, the only words she's spoken directed at Jennie since last night. Jennie swallows and nods, making her way to the door, Lisa following behind her.

And just like that, she opens the door, Lisa steps out, and Jennie shuts the door and Lisa's gone. She's gone, Jennie thinks dejectedly. She feels a slight pang in her chest at the realization and her shoulders slump a little. She breathes in deeply. It's whatever, she figures. It's not like Lisa ever actually liked her anyway. It was an obsession, and Jennie had satiated it with her confession last night. It's not like she cares or anything-

The doorbell rings, cutting through her thoughts and she reaches for the latch instantly, feeling her heart drum at the anticipation.

It's Lisa.

Oh my go-

"I'm sorry." Lisa says heavily and desperately. Jennie clutches the doorframe beside her tightly, trying to channel her urge to say the words back, into the grip.
"I'm really sorry." Lisa starts again, her expression pained. "I just...about what you told me last night...hearing it, I froze. I've been struggling with it since the moment you told me and I just don't know how to deal with it and I'm late for work but God knows I can't leave seeing that sad look on your beautiful face. Jennie..." Lisa pauses after her word vomit, "I'm not upset or weirded out or feeling anything along the lines that. I still like you. I just...I don't want you to think you're some small part of my life I'd lose interest in so easily. I am still very much into you and I'm sure most stuff can't change that."

Jennie feels her breath get knocked out of her.

"Where do you work?" She asks because she doesn't have the mind to address any of the other stuff Lisa just so easily blurted out to her just yet.

"YG media." Lisa says confusedly, probably a little hurt by Jennie's avoidance. "I'm a photographer of theirs-"

"That's the company with all the hottest models." Jennie states flatly.

Lisa's expression grows more confused but matter-of-factly she affirms, "Yes, that's the idea."

"Should I be jealous?" Jennie asks, looking into the girl's eyes, trying to convey what she's feeling.

The lost look on Lisa's face irritates Jennie because for fuck's sake, it's so out there at this point.

"Fucking idiot." Jennie mutters before surging forward in search of Lisa's lips and oh lord, she meets them thunderously, fireworks lighting up right in the middle of her chest, and the way Lisa whimpers makes her head spin and body shake and she can swear she's never felt so much from one kiss.

"I still like you, too." Jennie says against her lips after they've parted and Lisa nods, pressing a soft kiss against the corner of Jennie's mouth that the latter so desperately wants to catch.

"Stay well, Jennie." Lisa murmurs with the biggest smile on her face before she walks backwards, doing a cute little wave before striding off.

Jennie's eyes follow unashamedly. Damn, Lisa's ass.

A/N: sorry it took so long to update this but I've been really tired and this is much, much better than the draft I made while I was tired, so I'm glad I was wise enough to hold it off for a while.

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