Chapter 9 [Finale]

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"C'mon, Jennie, don't act all confused now, you know you used to stalk Lisa in college too." Jisoo deadpans, looking hard at her sister as the named girl stiffens.

"I... It wasn't..." Jennie sputters.

"Look, Jennie, we don't mean to put you on the spot, or maybe we kind of do..." Rosé trails off, looking at Jisoo who snickers at her girlfriend, "I was around Lisa all the time during college because we had all the same classes and I always noticed you just around one corner or the other watching Lisa. And when I say that, I don't really mean that you were watching her in a creepy way, so to speak, not even close. You just looked at her with such longing. You almost looked like you were gonna cry or something." Lisa's head snaps to the side and she eyes Jennie questioningly.

"It's so funny. You creeps couldn't just approach each other and ask for the other's number or something? What's with the 'staring at my crush with googley-eyes because I'm a pussy' situation? I don't get it at all." Jisoo says with a shrug, directing the question to both Jennie and Lisa.

The former flushes embarrassedly, the weirdness of her past behaviour starting to hit her. The latter stays quiet, and Jennie panics.

"Lisa...I'm sorry. I...I just wasn't brave enough to approach you and at the time I thought you were dating Rosé and I didn't want to be turned down and embarrassed so I did what I could and admired you from afar. Now that Rosé is telling me of my behaviour I'm starting to realize it was weird and I'm just extremely sorry but know that I didn't mean for it to be like that. This is like the worst thing that could happen on a date and-"

"Jennie." Lisa says lightly placing her hand on her arm. "Jennie." She repeats as gently as the first time, and the rambling girl snaps out of it.

"..Yes?" She asks timidly, scared of Lisa's reaction.

"It's okay. You've explained enough already and I get it. I've stalked you too, remember? I know exactly what you felt and I'm sorry I didn't notice you back then. I'm starting to realize I must be so inattentive to my surroundings to not have noticed you." The way Lisa breathes out "you" has Jennie's heart beating for all the right reasons. 

"Jisoo, not that much." They hear Rosé's stern voice rebuking the girl who was emptying the wine bottle into her glass, and look away from the intensity of each others' eyes.

Jennie hears Lisa exhale slowly.

"Guys, do you mind if we cut this date short? Please? I'll even make it up to you guys later if you want but right now..." Lisa looks at Jennie, a shine in her eyes and Jennie holds her breath, "Right now I need to be alone with Jennie. I hope you'll excuse me of my behaviour, Jisoo." Lisa says, looking expectantly to the girl who looks like she's staring at something on the ceiling.

Before Lisa's eyes can follow, Rosé speaks, "Just go, girl. This one's lost her mind." She gestures with her hands, opening an imaginary champagne bottle.

Lisa nods, getting up from her seat. She promptly looks back and holds out her hand for Jennie to take. "Is it okay...?" She asks quietly and Jennie swoons, not wasting a second to slip her hand into Lisa's as the former squeezes lightly, making butterflies swarm in Jennie's stomach. Lord.

She says her goodbyes to Rosé, walking out the restaurant with her date.

"The sky's beautiful today." Jennie hears Lisa say and looks up, almost gasping at how gorgeous it looks, each star shimmering in different ways. "Jennie?" Lisa asks, squeezing her hand. God, she loves it when Lisa does that.


"Do you want to stargaze a while with me?" There's those fucking butterflies again.

"It's truly beautiful." Jennie breathes out, laying shoulder pressed against Lisa's at the front of her car.

"You're beautiful, Jennie." Lisa says, prompting the fast beat to Jennie's heart and making the latter look at her admirer.

Lisa's even more beautiful, Jennie thinks. But she's too shy to tell the girl that in words. So with her nerves erupting in her stomach she leans forward, slowly, laying her hand on Lisa's shoulder, her leg brushing the other's as she presses her lips against the blonde's. Fireworks light up inside her chest and she's never felt more breathless and bold so she presses harder into the delicate cushions as Lisa's hand strokes her cheek, then her fingers hold her chin and pull her face closer. Lisa's smiling into the kiss and Jennie's the happiest she's ever been.

After that, they talk, and kiss, and talk, until suddenly, with an urgency that cuts through their cosy space, Lisa asks, "Hey hey! I just remembered I wanted to ask  this. Like I have to. Jennie, why  were you so convinced that I was there to harm you when we first met?"

Jennie thinks for a while back to the night. If she hadn't been so on guard, she might have thought Lisa's are the prettiest eyes she's seen, just like she thinks now.

"You know how one of the ministers got exposed last month for smuggling some weird stuff in and out of the country?" Lisa nods, "I was the author of the article that came out and wrote about it. Well, I didn't really ask to but my boss was all up my ass about it so I had to. So anyway, I guess I made enemies along the way and got cornered like two times since last month." Lisa's eyes dull in concern.

"Jennie that's..."

"Dangerous. Yes, I know. I've received an email just this morning from work saying I'll be getting some special security or whatever within the next three days so don't worry, okay?"

Lisa still looks hesitant but nods anyway. Jennie smiles reassuringly, pecking Lisa's lips  and the frown that Lisa's sporting lessens.

"Hey, if this is about me having other stalkers then you should know I consider you my number one." Jennie jokes.

Lisa's eyes light up again, and Jennie feels relieved that the girl doesn't instantly get guilty.

"So I'm your number one stalker, huh? I guess I could get used to that." She says with a delicious smirk that has Jennie gazing down at Lisa's lips and biting her own.

"You better." She challenges and Lisa lets her win, as expected, only staring at her dreamily and squeezing her hand. God she really loves when Lisa does that.

The End.

A/N: Fin-fucking-ally.

Lie, signing off this book.

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