Chapter 9

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Author's pov

"just date me" the man said taking a step closer to sana.

"Sana?!" sana felt relieved after seeing who came.

"Aaaishh! Why are you here you punk?" the man walk to tzuyu ready to punch him but sana hit him on the back of his head making the man drop on the floor groaning.

Sana drops what she was holding and kneels down covering her ears. Tzuyu ran to sana and hug her tight. He pulls away looking at her worriedly.

"Sana are you okay?" he asked while holding her hands comforting her.

"Yes" she said but suddenly hug tzuyu. She tightened her hug feeling safe in his arms. They pulled away then stood up.

"You're okay im here" unknown to them the man already gained his strength and stood up taking a pocket knife in his jacket and launched into tzuyu's direction.

"You bastar!!!" he ran knife in his hand ready to jump on tzuyu but someone tuckled him down on the floor.

It was jeongyeon

Jeongyeon was on top of the man holding his hand that is holding the knife trying to stop him. The man kicked him making jeongyeon lose grip on his wrist. The man stood up and ran for his life.

Tzuyu ran to jeongyeon who's groans sitting on the floor. "Hyung your arm" tzuyu said taking a handkerchief in his pocket giving it to jeongyeon to cover his injured arm.

"Im sorry it should be me" he said looking down.

"Aish don't blame yourself it's not your fault, im fine" jeongyeon said patting tzuyu's head.

Seconds later they hear sirens. "you called the police?" sana asked him. Tzuyu nodded.


Marks side

Marks running  in an empty street but suddenly collided with someone. The man fell down and drop his things.

He looks up shocked seeing mark infront of him.

"jun? What are you doing at this time of hour?" mark asked. He looks at the things jun drops and saw pictures of sana her bracelet and earphones. Jun saw what marks looking at he quickly collect it panicking.

"It's you" mark said. Jun stood up ready to run but mark kicked him making him fall on the ground again groaning. Police came and takes jun to the police station.


Police Station

Sana, Tzuyu, Mark came out the police station

"So you what will happen to him now?" Sana asked mark.

"He will be locked up in jail" he said as he stared at sana.

"The principal said our school will start to hold a disciplinary committee. Don't worry too much" he said

"What a dirty bastard"Sana hissed and turn d to mark "are you close to him?" She asked curiously.

Mark thought for a second "no we're not" he said.

"You didn't get hurt right?" He ask d worriedly.

"No. Thankfully" she said. Mark looked to tzuyu who's looking down avoiding any eye contact.

"Hey Chou" he said gaining tzuyu's attention and look at him.

"If you will be the one next to sana, do a good job" tzuyu nod his head and look down.

"Go home safely, bye" mark said Sana nodded and he turns to leave.

Sana turned to tzuyu who's not talking looking down like he's being scolded by his own parent ready to cry.

"It's okay. It's not your fault" Sana said comforting him. Tzuyu look at her like a lost puppy who took his favourite toy.

"I really am sorry. It's really dangerous and I let go by yourself"

"It was good that you came at the right time. If it wasn't you I would be in trouble. You saved me" Sana said looking at tzuyu with assurance.

"How would say that? You're making me more sad" tzuyu

"But it's true you saved me"

"From now on I will always take you home" tzuyu said desperately to her.

"Ahh that would be a hussle to me" Sana said and turn to her side hiding her smile.

"Too bad even if it's a hassle to you I will still bring you home everyday" he said stubbornly at sana.

"Ok. I got it" she said and hold tzuyu's jacket and starts to push him "go home tzu" she said but tzuyu refused.

"No I have to take you home first"he said with wide eyes.

"We're heading to my house direction. Hurry up" she said as she continue to push him.

"But it's not this way" tzuyu whined.

"It is" she said pushing him.

"No it's that way"he said pointing the opposite direction.



Jeongyeon's side

"Yeah.... It's ok cub.....yeah I'm fine.....bye" he said and drop the call and sighed.

"Yoo Jeongyeon!?!?" A voice came from afar he look at the persons direction he doesn't recognize them. But as the person come closer he recognised her.

"Nayeon?" He said not believing what he was seeing right now. Nayeon stop in front of him look at him with teary eyes.

"Ba-nayeon what are doing here?" He asked looking at her.

"Stupid jeongyeon" she said and engulfed him in a hug like her life depends on it.

"Stupid jeongyeon. I hate you, I hate you you stupid ostrich" she said lightly punching his chest while crying.

"Hey, why are crying? If you're worried about me I'm fine there's nothing to cry about" nayeon look up too him sniffing like a baby.

"How did you know I'm here?" He asked curiously.

"Mina" she answered. "Ow"

"No need to cry now. My body is still in place. I'm fine see?" He said flexing his biceps ignoring the pain not to make her worried. Nayeon Saw his gazzed arm and started to tear up again seeing him in that state.

"I hate you" she said and hug him again. Jeongyeon could only smile at her actions and hug her back the feeling he missed.


"Can you sleep alone?" Tzuyu asked worriedly.

"What can I do my parents are in Japan" she said.

"Take some rest. I bet you're tired  " tzuyu.

"Ok" Sana said and was about to leave when something came up to her mind and looked back at tzuyu who has his brows raised.

"Or do you want to come with me?" She said and realized what she just said and turn around



Sana walk and turns to tzuyu again. "Are you just gonna let me leave?" She said cutely.

"No. No" he said and runs to her.

To be Continued...

Sorry for the late update..
hope you still like and support my story will update soon

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