Chapter 13

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Jay's POV

I finished my work early and came home early to surprise my girls but it turn out I'm the one who gets surprised. I come home to here my daughter has a boyfriend. I know what your thinking, your thinking, why do you care if she has a boyfriend, you don't even like her. That was true at first but over the course of a few months Imani and I really connected. I don't want to see her heart broken because of this little nigga.

I walked in and the first thing I saw was that boy and his arm wrapped near her ass. She finally notices me and has the "Oh shit," expression on her face. "Dad, what are you doing home early," She asked. "I finished early. Now answer my question, what the hell is going on here," "Uhh...," she started and Bey finished it, "She brought her boyfriend home to meet me." I pointed at her and said through gritted teeth, "My office. Now." She sucked her teeth and got up. I can't believe she had the damn nerve to do that. "Suck your teeth again, I dare you," I said in a daring way andshe kept her mouth shut. She followed me to his office. I held the door open for her and she entered looking scared. I slammed the door behind her. I went over to my desk and sat down.

"So, when were you gonna tell me about your boyfriend," I asked and She didn't answer."Answer me," I said in a stern voice, "I never planned on telling you," "Why," "Because I know how you are," She replied, "And how am I," "Your so overprotective. I don't get why your like that when you know I'm tough," She replied. "Lil mama, just because your tough doesn't mean your not sensitive. I was young too and I know exactly what boys do. They break your heart. Your only 14 Imani. I don't want my little girl to go through that at a young age," I said, "I know dad but trust that I can handle myself," I didn't want to say ok because she may think she tough but she not and i dont want her to be too attached to that boy but beause I love her I replied. "OK," I said and we hugged.

I was rubbing her back while she laid her head on my chest. "Baby, go get your little boyfriend. I wanna talk to him, man to man," I said, "Can I be in here too," "No," I replied. "Ugh. Your just gonna go at him," she said, "So, if he can't handle me then him most definitely not gonna be able to handle you. Plus I don't want no punk ass nigga with you," I said truthfully, she pulled away and sucked her teeth again. "Imani, stop testing me cause next time I'm not gonna warn you I'm just gonna pop you in the mouth," I said and she walked out of my office.

I waited about 5 minutes for that boy to come through the door. He closed the door and sat down. He reached his hand out for me to shake it but I didn't, I just looked at his hand then back at him and I think he got the message because he put his hand down.

"What makes you so special," I asked because knowing Imani, it ain't easy for her to want you so what was so special about him.

"What," he asked looking confused. I popped him right in the mouth because of how disrespectful he was."I ain't one of your niggas from the street, I'm Mr. Carter. You reply saying yes sir, no sir and excuse me sir. Damn. Show some fuckimg respect," I said and he stayed quiet.

"Imma ask you again and this the in a more clear way. What makes you so damn special. Why did my daughter choose you and most importantly why did my daughter choose you,"

"Oh, I understand now sir, well Imani and I have so much in common. The main thing is we both love basketball. I don't really know why I like her but I do. I also don't know why she chose me either probably she feels the same way I do. She either probably was pressured into liking me or just likes me for me like I do her sir," he said. I was about to ask him another question but he spoke before me.

"Sir, I know you don't like me and you obviously don't want me dating your daughter but trust that I actually love her and won't do anything to hurt her. I know you think I'm after her money and I'm some type of gold digger but I'm not I love her because of who she is not what she looks like or her money. Trust that I wouldn't be sitting here if I didn't love her and trust that I didn't use her to meet her parents. I know what she has been through and I don't want to add to that. Please Mr Carter give me permission to date your daughter," he said sounding like a true man but I wasn't gonna let him go just yet.

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