Chapter 24

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Imani's Pov
We've been waiting in this waiting room for what felt like forever, waiting for the results.

The doctor finally came out.

"The family of Sky Matthews," the doctor said.

We all stood up.

"She's fine, she's breathing normally now and you guys can see her now," he said and walked away.

We walked into the room and saw sky was asleep. I sat down next to the hospital bed and waited for her to wake up.

Sky's Pov
I woke up with no memory of what happened. I noticed I was in a hospital bed.

"What happened," I asked Imani who was sitting next to me. She was such a supportive friend.

"You were having some breathing problems," Imani said, "Oh, those are normal. It's because of the cancer," I replied.

We continued to talk until I noticed someone walk through the door. It was my foster mom.

I'm not gonna lie, I was scared because I knew I had to go home with her.

Imani noticed the look on my face and turned around. She didn't look to happy to see her either.

"Sky, let's go," She said, "No. I don't think I'm healthy enough to leave the hospital," I replied.

She gritted her. " Do not get smart with me, Sky," she said.

I sighed and got up out of bed. I didn't want to test her or make a scene so I just left with her.

Imani's POV
"Mom, why didn't you say or do anything. How could you just let that woman take Sky," I said.

"What did you want me to say or do," "I don't know but poor Sky shouldn't have went home with her and you know why," I said.

"Why," Jay asked. I told him why and then we went home. All I could think about was Sky. I felt really bad for her.

I want to help her. I can't live knowing that Sky is being abused; physically and sexually.

I knew exactly what I had to do.

Sky's POV
We went home. I was silent the entire car ride to the hell hole of a foster home.

My foster mother was yelling and cursing at me but I didn't think much of it. I just ignored her.

We finally got to the house. I was scared when I entered the house because I knew once the front door closed, the beating would begin and I was right.

She was beating the crap out of me. I was defenseless. I couldn't defend myself at all.

I was on the ground coughing while she was punching and kicking me. The other kids, (My foster brothers and sisters) joined in on the beating.

Suddenly the door went down and police raided the house. Everyone got off of me and started to scramble around the house.

I was left there coughing. I wasn't coughing normal little coughs. I was coughing BADLY. I was left fighting for my life. I couldn't breathe. Suddenly everything went black.

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