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Jihyun had a fitful sleep, tossing and turning as his mind bombarded him with memories of blood and pain. He saw the hazy image of his mother, holding his cut hair in her hands, sobbing. Every time he rolled on the mat his back spasmed with a deep and hollow ache. The bandages felt too tight around his chest, too constricting. He woke with a start, gasping for breath. Jihyun could feel the sweat that had gathered on his brow, and his tongue felt thick and swollen. He recalled the feeling of the crown prince's mouth on his and traced his fingers over his lips.

"It seems you finally woke up. I was not expecting you to sleep until midday. You should eat, the servants brought food, although it may be cold by now." Jihyun froze at the unfamiliar voice coming from behind him. Slowly, as though trying not to draw the attention of a predator, Jihyun turned around. Sitting before him was perhaps the most beautiful man he had ever seen. His eyes curved sharply upwards and his nose was a straight and slender line down his face. His lips seemed to be an unusually bright red, and Jihyun distantly wondered if the man was wearing the rouge that he had seen maidservants apply before leaving to visit the nearby town. It took only a second for Jihyun to register that this was the man who had come to his aide last night. What was he if he could be so bold as to curse at the crown prince and live?

"My name is Oh Minjoo. I'll be staying with you for some time as you recover, so you best get used to me," the man- Minjoo, said as he pushed a tray of food over towards Jihyun before settling back against the wall.

"H-Have you eaten?" Jihyun stuttered, crawling off his mat and resting on his knees before the food. Minjoo only gave him a half-smile and nodded, indicating once again towards the food. "Hurry up and eat, the doctor will be back soon to redress your wounds." Jihyun obeyed, eating as much of the food as he could stomach, as it was much richer than meals he was used to. Was he getting such fine food because he was injured? Jihyun had never been one to question things going on in his life. It's not that he was stupid, he just found that thinking too much about things he couldn't control never served him well in the end. He did what he could and was satisfied with as much, but ever since the Crown Prince's arrival, there were many things happening to him that Jihyun couldn't wrap his head around, like the man in his room. Was he there to watch him, to make sure he wouldn't escape? He couldn't leave if he wanted to, Jihyun had no other place to go. And what about the strange things the prince had said upon his return, about his mistake, and Jihyun being 'dear to him'. No one had cared to explain, and Jihyun was far too afraid to talk to the crown prince and ask what he meant. Not to mention the kiss. Setting his spoon down and pushing the tray away, Jihyun returned to his mat and curled into a ball, but was too anxious to fall asleep, scared that his nightmares might come to haunt him again.

"It hurts, doesn't it? A lot." Minjoo spoke again. Jihyun twisted his head to look at him.


"Your back." Minjoo's voice took on a bitter note at the end, and Jihyun got the sense that he was mad for him.

"Truthfully, more so than that, this..." Jihyun trailed off as he brought a shaking hand to his head, running his fingers through his hair that now barely brushed his shoulders as tears burned his eyes.

"Your hair?" Minjoo sneered, his eyes growing distant, "That bastard really couldn't be satisfied with just hitting you, huh? It's like he can't stand to see something beautiful go against him." Jihyun gasped at Minjoo's words, bolting upright, the blanket gathering at his waist.

"You shouldn't speak of the Crown Prince in such a way! What if someone hears you?" Jihyun whispered frantically, his eyes tracing towards the door.

"It's odd to hear you defending him. But then again, maybe not so much," Minjoo said as his eyes grew thoughtful and he brought a hand to his chin.

"I-I am not defending him, it is just that-" Jihyun's words were cut off by the abrupt opening of the door, revealing the doctor that had treated his wounds the day prior, and, to his terror, the Crown Prince.

He Walks Alone in the Moonlight [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now