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"What is this?" Jihyun held up the envelope Munyeong had given him. The maidservant shrugged, her eyes mischievous.

"I don't know, but His Highness told me to deliver it to you."

"It is from the Crown Prince?" Munyeong nodded vigorously.

"Soooo... Are you gonna open it?" the maidservant plopped next to Jihyun on the bed, hands clasped together in excitement. Jihyun frowned, fingers tracing the scale-like pattern embroidered into the fabric of the envelope. It looked very expensive and very official. That familiar feeling of anxiety crept its way back into Jihyun's stomach. He cast his eyes to Munyeong, who was peering over his shoulder. A purplish mark on her neck caught his eye.

"Is that a bruise? Did the Crown Prince hurt you?" Munyeong slapped a hand over her neck, cheeks suddenly flushing.

"It is not that. The prince did little more than scold me, I am fine," Munyeong pushed her hair in front of her shoulder, hiding the mark. Jihyun's lips twisted into a frown.

"Are you certain, because if he-"

"I am certain. Very very certain. Now if you'd please," Munyeong motioned to the envelope, shifting in place nervously. Jihyun bit his lip, looking once more at the fabric between his hands. His mind screamed not to, but after another nod of encouragement from Munyeong, Jihyun took a deep breath and opened the flap, pulling out the piece of paper inside. He slowly unfolded it, eyes sweeping across the bold and precise strokes of what he knew to be letters. "Well, what does it say?" Jihyun turned his head towards Munyeong at her question.

"I don't know." He glanced at the paper again. Was the prince making fun of him? It seemed quite tame compared to his punishments before, but then again, the prince was quite unpredictable. It was not inconceivable that he would write an unpleasant message to Jihyun knowing he could not read it. To know you have been insulted but not how was just as hurtful.

"Wait. You don't know how to read?" Munyeong stood, crossing her arms.

"No. I never learned. I only know how to write my name. My mother showed me." At the reminder of his mother, Jihyun dimmed, eyes falling back to the words on the page. Those were the only letters he could recognize, the broken elements of his name scattered on the page and wedged between unfamiliar words. Jihyun gripped the paper so hard he wrinkled the edges, gritting his teeth to hold back his anger. He couldn't decide if it was worse to be embarrassed like this or be punished properly. Like anyone, Jihyun hated to be made a mockery of.

"Why, it seems quite lively in here for so early in the morning." A sultry female voice pierced through the anger crowding Jihyun's mind. Munyeong gasped and dropped her head, bowing deeply as a woman dressed in jewel-toned robes floated into the room, a pair of handmaidens following her.

"Your Royal Highness. I was not aware you were coming, otherwise, I would have arranged a proper welcoming for you." Munyeong kept her hands clasped politely before her, but Jihyun could hear the nerves in her voice. Sensing Munyeong's rising fear, Jihyun too became worried and stood up from his bed, head low.

"Of course you were not aware of my coming. I do not need to make my plans known to my brother's servants, do I?" The woman waved a hand, sending her handmaids into a flurry as they prepared a seat for her. Brother? Munyeong was the crown prince's servant, and if the crown prince was this woman's brother, she could only be...

"Princess Eunbin, the table is ready," one of the handmaids deferred to the imposing woman. It was true then. She was indeed the princess. Songmin's betrothed and the crown prince's sister. All the moisture in Jihyun's mouth suddenly vanished, and he inched closer to Munyeong, hardly breathing as he tried to make eye contact with her. He needed guidance, from anyone, on what to do in this situation. He found Songming unpleasant enough, and if even he did not like the princess, Jihyun could only imagine her temperment.

He Walks Alone in the Moonlight [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now