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Songmin paced outside the princess's bedroom door for what felt like hours. After the physician arrived, servants rushed in and out, never allowing him to enter. The sun now dipped toward the horizon, painting the courtyard before him in an orange glow. At some point it had snowed, although it took until now for Songmin to notice. Dusty white painted the tops of the rose bushes lining the courtyard, causing the flower's petals to wrinkle and pale in color. The scholar moved forward unconsciously, stepping closer to examine the nearest rose bush.

    "I'm surprised you're still here." A silky voice dripping with disdain pried Songmin's gaze away from the flower. The woman who had been dining with Eunbin stepped out of the room, sliding the door closed softly. Songmin said nothing, frowning slightly as he clasped his hands behind his back. The woman's eyes flickered between him and the rose bush. "Are you curious about something, Your Lordship?" Songmin sighed through his nose, communicating with a glare as the woman smiled mockingly. Silence danced between them, grating Songmin's nerve as the woman stared him down, refusing to move away from the door. Songmin was not known to harbor a guilty conscience, but he also had no desire to be misunderstood.

    "I did not know she was allergic to roses. How would I have known since she planted the garish things everywhere," Songmin jerked his nose at the bush before him, sneering.

    "Those garish things are planted there to keep her safe. One would hardly think the thing she surrounds herself with is her weakness," the woman bit back, crossing her arms. That gave Songmin pause. There was some sense to it, but it was still dangerous. The door slid open once more, disrupting their conversation. The woman stepped aside quickly as the physician exited, her face gaunt as she passed a bottle to the woman.

    "Lady Qingli, please instruct the Princess' attendants to add a spoonful of this to Her Highness' morning tea for the next three days. This will help to soothe any lingering irritation." The woman, Qingli, bowed her head politely, thanking the physician as she was escorted out of the palace.

    "There is no reason for you to stay. Be on your way, Her Highness will not punish you for this incident," Qingli dismissed him, turning her back. Songmin opened his mouth to speak, but the protest died on his lips as a loud thud came from inside the princess' room. The pair shared a startled look before rushing into the room, where Eunbin lay sprawled on the floor. Dressed only in her undergarments, the long expanse of her pale legs tangled in her bedsheets caused Songmin to balk, his face flushing as he looked away.

    "What are you doing? Help me get her up," Qingli ordered from her spot on the floor, where the arm she'd slung over her shoulder caused the opening of Eunbin's robe to slip dangerously sideways. Songmin clenched his teeth, refusing to look at the tops of the princess' breasts that shimmered with silvery stretch marks. He also ignored how soft and warm she felt as he and Qingli returned her to the bed. The princess stirred as her head hit the pillow, opening her eyes with a flutter. It disturbed Songmin a bit, to see the princess so helpless, her gaze so unfocused.

    "What were you trying to do?" Qingli whispered, moving Songmin aside with her hips to sit next to the princess. Eunbin turned at the sound of her voice, and Songmin's mouth dried when he saw the bright red scratch marks along her neck. Like she'd been clawing for air.

    "Wa...ter..." The princess's usual seductive tone was replaced by an unrecognizable scratchy and thin voice.

    "Water? I'll get you some water. Also, I know you want to do everything by yourself, but until you're better, please use the bell to call for assistance," Qingli pleaded, hesitating over the princess. It wasn't until Eunbin gave an exhausted half-nod that the woman went to fetch the drink. With Qingli no longer blocking the princess' sight, her eyes found Songmin. She blinked once, slowly, as if to make sure he was not an illusion. Songmin found himself frozen under that incredulous scrutiny.

    "Here, drink." Qingli was back to her side swiftly, shielding Eunbin from him once more. The harsh gulps as the princess forced water down her swollen throat made Songmin wince and clear his own throat.

    "" The hissed end of a sentence pricked at Songmin's ears.

    "What was that?"

    "The princess asked you a question," Qingli huffed, squinting at the advisor's rudeness. Songmin ignored the woman and stepped sideways so he could see Eunbin's face. Her eyes were half-closed, but brighter, as if she'd gained momentary clarity. Her lips were shiny and swollen, the skin around them pink with irritation. He watched those lips push out words with labored slowness.

"Why are you here?" The question took him by surprise. In truth, Songmin didn't know why he'd stayed. Was it out of guilt? To make sure she would be alright? Those sounded like falsehoods even to his ears.

"I needed to make sure I would not be blamed for this incident. You took the drink of your own will. I simply brought you the hangover remedy Chang had made for Jihyun."

"Ah," the princess closed her eyes, smiling bitterly, "so that's it." Songmin hid his nervous fingers behind his sleeves. With her eyes still closed, the princess raised a hand and curled one finger, beckoning him over. Despite his desire to turn around and never enter Gongjak palace again, the advisor couldn't help but take a step closer.

    "Since you brought me a gift today, I'll give you a piece of advice in return. Keep an eye on your father." Qingli grabbed the princess' arm, her face anxious as she looked between Eunbin and Songmin, the latter of which was now pinning the princess with a deadly glare.

    "There is no need for you to take interest in my family affairs. I thought I told you if I found another one of your rats in the residence I would silence them, permanently." That made Eunbin open her eyes, and she rolled to her side, tucking one hand beneath her swollen cheek. Songmin once again called upon his tremendous willpower to not look at the cleavage cushioned between her arms. He also definitely did not think about what it would be like to fall asleep with that chest as his pillow.

"I'm simply saying that he is as alone in that house as you are. I'm not asking you to do anything. Just be observant, Songmin." The advisor ticked his head to the side, biting the inside of his cheek.

"Perhaps you should take your own advice. If you'd been more observant, you wouldn't be in this situation."

"Did you think I did not know what was in that flask?"

"If you were aware it had roses in it, then why did you drink it? Did you think I was asking you to die?" Songmin could barely keep his voice below a yell.

The princess just shrugged at the accusation, then rolled to her other side, waving a hand dismissively.

"I suppose it is a bit premature to give you your wedding gift. If that is all, you may go."

"You heard her. Leave." Any of Qingli's previous fake politeness evaporated as she practically shoved Songmin out of the room. The advisor grabbed the frame of the door to halt her from slamming it shut.

"Wait, I have one more question." Qingli rolled her eyes.

"The princess is ill. She needs to r-"

"Not for her. For you." The woman's thick brows pinched together in confusion.

"What is it?"

"Who are you?" Qingli took a moment to answer, looking Songmin up and down.

"The fact that you do not know who I am is perhaps the only redeeming quality I have witnessed today."

"That does not answer my question."

"I am Qingli, the Music Fairy of the Eternal Blossom House. And Princess Eunbin is my master." With that the woman slammed the door shut, nearly catching Songmin's fingers. The advisor sighed, grabbing his wrist to inspect his hands. What the hell was Eunbin doing with a courtesan? Mentally and physically drained, Songmin descended the steps of Gongjak Palace with one thought on his mind. I should've brought Chang with me. And then. I'm going to kill that idiot.

He Walks Alone in the Moonlight [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now