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Eunbin sat at her desk, her body relaxed as she gazed into the brazier. The bright red-orange of the coals burned her eyes, yet she found she could not look away. Despite her languid appearance, the princess' mind was racing. It was far too soon to visit the king's royal advisor again, and the attempt to do so could very well result in another attack on her life. Eunbin huffed, displeasure painting her features as she poured herself a cup of tea, eyeing the pinkish liquid with suspicion. She'd known the royal advisor's first madam was a threat, but she never thought the woman had the guts to go so far as to take Eunbin out directly.
    It was easy enough to guess her intention. The princess dies from poision after sharing a meal with her betrothed, who has made it no secret his objections to the marriage. Frame Songmin for her death, and the thorn in the Kim family's side is gone. After learning of the assasination attempt, Eunbin had requested detailed reports from every spy she'd placed in the Kim family's residence, instructing them to record the most minute details of everyday life. For the past week, she'd been analyzing every letter, looking for potential openings in the family's defenses. While Kim Ukjeon remained under her thumb due to the evidence she had regarding him murdering the second madam, his wife remained a wild card, and Eunbin needed to find a leash for her, quickly.
    "They are here, Your Highness," announced one of her handmaids. The princess sighed, dragging herself up from the floor. She slid open the door, her voice flat as she ordered, "When you go to Fenghuang, store the letters on my desk in a seperate box, I don't want them filed with the rest yet." The maid bowed her head, her hands clasped politely in front of her.
    "You want them brought to level nine, Your Majesty?" Eunbin paused, leaning against the door frame. Level nine, Yang, was typically the level at which she stored all information related to Songmin and his family. However... "I have bigger plans in mind. Store it in level twelve." If her maid was shocked, she didn't show it, bowing quickly before sliding past Eunbin to enter the room. Eunbin rubbed at her stiff neck as she strolled down the hallway. Dealing with the first madam would have to wait. For the past week, in the rare moments she wasn't disceting every move made in Songmin's household, the princess had been crafting Jihyun's lesson plan. She'd known from the moment she'd met him that the servant wasn't born with any particular level of genius, but he could be taught what he needed to know. In fact, Eunbin wasn't hoping for him to be cunning or quick-witted in any capacity, what intrigued her more were his blatant observations and nihilistic optimism. Eunbin knew she had a tendency to overthink, and being around someone as straightforward as Jihyun could refresh her perspective.
    "Princess Eunbin!" An unusually cheerful voice greeted her as she entered the courtyard. There, almost glowing in the sunlight, stood Jihyun, bouncing on the balls of his feet as he beamed at her. A flicker of envy burned in Eunbin's chest. When had she last been happy like that? But the feeling was quickly pushed aside when she saw her brother standing miserably behind the servant, his eyes hollow. Eunbin mustered up a grin, hiding her concern as she glided down the stairs.
    "You seem awfully excited today. I don't suppose it is solely because you get a private lesson with me?" Eunbin raised an eyebrow, directing her question at Jihyun but sending a pointed glare to her brother's guard. Jihyun, either oblivious to the crown prince's mood or choosing to be so, rushed over to Eunbin's side.
    "It seems I won't be needing your help to get out of the palace. His Highness offered to bring me home the next time he leaves the palace," Jihyun whispered, his eyes sparkling.
    "That is... unexpected," Eunbin replied, narrowing her eyes at her brother. Doyoon said nothing, his face expressionless as he watched Jihyun flit around, taking in Eunbin's lavish palace. Eunbin curled a finger, beckoning her brother's guard over. Jaeon glowered, but walked over after casting a wary glance at Doyoon.
    "Tell me, why on earth would my brother give the one with which he will walk the moonlit path his freedom? Or is he lying?"
    "He is not you, your Highness, he will keep his word. But as for his reasoning, I have not the slightest inclination." Eunbin ignored the jab at her character.
    "He did not discuss it with you first?"
    "He discussed it with no one, as far as I am aware. He received a letter from the border last night-" A fact Eunbin already knew, "and told us to be ready to set out in three weeks time."
    "You are setting out again so soon? Could it have anything to do with the new royal inspector that caught my brother's attention?" Eunbin gnawed at her lip. Her father would grow suspicious with Doyoon leaving again so quickly, especially if he brought everyone with him.
    "We were planning to wait for General Park to send word when the inspector left. But when Chang received a letter from his father, something seemed off." Eunbin knew she could not outright ask if her brother's plans to coup had been jeopardized. Still, she had to convince them that leaving so shortly after returning from their previous trip was a bad idea. Based on Jaeon's next words, it didn't seem like she would get the chance. "The prince plans to ask for permission to head to the border today."
    "On what grounds?"
"General Park sent an additional letter stating that the Xin tribe of the Plains has become active again. And that they seem to have access to a non-human power."
    "A witch?" Eunbin speculated. Her inside knowledge on foreign entities was limited. Jaeon shook his head.
    "We think another object surfaced. The prince intends to take on the investigation in the name of the crown."
    "And my father is power hungry enough to overlook Doyoon leaving the palace if it means he can have a magic tool of his own." Jaeon nodded, his face grim. "He cannot return without it. If you all cannot retrieve the object you'll be forced to spend another year at the border, maybe more," Eunbin warned, turning away from Jaeon as Jihyun returned to her side.
    "Your palace is beautiful. I've never seen such pretty flowers before," Jihyun said, staring at the bush behind Eubin blooming with large white blossoms, their thick petals circling protectively around a bright yellow center.
    "If you ask my brother I'm sure he'll turn all of Horangi Palace into a garden for you." Eunbin noted the slight blush rise across Jihyun's cheek with suggestion. Something had changed, and Eunbin was determined to find out what. "Speaking of my brother, send him your well wishes before he leaves. If he meets the King in his current mood I'm afraid he won't get what he's asking for." Jihyun hesitated, watching as Doyoon and Jaeon turned away. Rolling her eyes, Eunbin nudged Jihyun forward, the servant's unsteady steps catching the prince's attention. Eunbin smothered a grin as she watched the servant stand taller, clearing his throat and walking towards the prince.
    "Is something wrong?" The prince's voice was sullen, but his concern was genuine. Jihyun flexed his fingers nervously. He knew how the prince felt towards him, and Jihyun knew that their time would soon come to an end once they left the palace. Perhaps he could be a bit more lenient with the prince until then.
    "I hope your meeting with the King goes well. I will wait... I will wait for you to come get me," Jihyun finished with a shy smile, looking up at the prince through his eyelashes. Doyoon's face grew pale, but his ears flushed to a bright red. He managed a wordless nod before turning away and practically sprinting out of the courtyard. Jaeon palmed the hilt of his sword casually, looking down at Jihyun with a thoughtful expression.
    "I hope all goes well for you too. Minjoo and I are having dinner together tonight, if you want to come. Chang will be there as well."
    "I think you misunderstand our relationship, if you think I will accept your invitation."
"You can bring the Crown Prince."
    "So he is the Crown Prince again. And here I thought you finally agreed to call him by his name."
    "I was out of line."
"At least you know it."
    "And you know he requested it."
"I've seen enough death to know that you are merely giving him a treat before putting him down. Do not expect me to be grateful for the pain that will cause him. If you have any decency you will continue to keep your distance."
    "I think that is enough, pet. Shouldn't you go chasing after your Master?" Eunbin swept behind Jihyun, a cold hand coming to rest on the back of his neck. Tension Jihyun didn't realize he'd been holding eased as the sweet and spicy scent of her perfume took over his senses. Jaeon frowned, then bowed politely.
    "I'll leave him to you." The guard jogged out of sight, the scuff of his shoes on the stone fading away.
    "Do not mind what he says. You owe my brother no decency."
"You know..?"
"What he did to you? I do, although he didn't tell me himself. I imagine he was too ashamed. But I must say your attitude towards him has changed much within these past few days. I can't imagine that it all has to do with his offer to bring you back."
"I actually wanted to talk to you about it, if you'd be willing."
"I'd me more than happy to, but-" Eunbin raised a finger as Jihyun opened his mouth, "such discussion must wait until after we review the last fifty star-divined characters." Jihyun faked a groan, but gleefully followed Eunbin up the stairs and into her now-clean study.

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