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Several days had passed since Jihyun learned of princess Eunbin's allergic reaction, and his lessons were once again resuming. Earlier in the morning Jihyun received the list of hangover cure ingredients he requested from Chang. He'd been able to read all of it, which filled him with a strange sense of pride. He intended to make desserts for the princess, and wanted to be sure he didn't include any of the potentially harmful ingredients. At first he asked Chang what specifically the princess was allergic to, but the soldier merely shook his head, suggesting he ask Songmin instead. It took a bit of courage, but Jihyun decided to track down the advisor. He'd been studying various maps in the library when Jihyun found him.

    "What do you want?" Songmin huffed as Jihyun sat across from him, peering at the maps of the Plains. Several of the characters were unfamiliar, as if written in a different language. Songmin waved a hand in front of Jihyun's face, capturing his attention.

    "Sorry. I just had a question for you." Songmin lifted a brow, crossing his arms as he regarded Jihyun with barely concealed disdain.

    "For me? Well, get on with it, I'm busy." Jihyun shifted on the floor, fishing the list of ingredients from his pocket. He laid it on the table, smoothing the wrinkles with his hands.

    "I was curious which specific ingredient Princess Eunbin is allergic to. Or ingredients."

    "I don't see why that is any of your business," Songmin hissed, his demeanor instantly turning outright hostile. "Leave. Now."

    "I just wanted to-"

    "Despite how the Crown Prince treats you, matters of the royal family are none of your concern. You'd do well to remember that."

    Jihyun left the library feeling disheartened, his footsteps dragging in the thin layer of snow that coated everything. The white powder remained stuck to the ground ever since his conversation with the prince. Jihyun found himself going to Mugunghwa pavillion by himself sometimes, often early in the morning when his nightmares would not let him return to sleep. He'd stare into the dark water for hours, watching ice ring the edge of the pond, then recede as the sun rose higher in the sky. Sometimes he felt the phantom heat of the prince's body, and would unconsciously lean backward into empty air. One time the prince caught Jihyun standing there and silently joined him. The pair didn't speak at all for the next few hours, and Jihyun eventually left without a word. It was strange how the prince's presence felt comfortable in the quiet, but that peace swirled into chaos whenever the two talked. Jihyun could recognize that he was partially at fault, he shied away whenever the prince confessed his feelings. As he made his way to the kitchen, he recalled Eunbin's suggestion to spend more time with the prince. Perhaps today Jihyun could create such an opportunity. Jihyun spotted Munyeong as she added more wood to the large clay oven in front of the kitchen.

    "So, did you find out what she's allergic too?" The maidservant rested on her heels as she greeted Jihyun, a smudge of soot darkening the end of her nose.

    "No," Jihyun sighed, gathering his sleeve in his hand and wiping Munyeong's face clean. Despite being the same age, Jihyun often felt like Munyeong was a younger sister. Her personality contrasted with Sulhee, who was older and acted with authority, yet they both gave Jihyun a similar feeling.

    "You could always try asking His Highness. Even if they don't get along, they're still siblings."

    "I think my sister and I get along well enough, considering the circumstances." Munyeong startled at the prince's voice, falling onto her backside. Jihyun smothered a laugh as he helped her stand, bowing his head politely in Doyoon's direction. "What's your question?" The prince focused solely on Jihyun, waving away Munyeong's bashful apology.

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