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Walking in my best of best:

my favorite flowing, white dress

with my white Sunday bonnet, walking west

along the beautiful sea

and there's only me.

I feel so pure and free

by this blue, blue ocean.

I feel the mist as the key

center, with bird calls

and white breezes that goes over me and falls.

The wind brushes my hair

in my face and as I twirl

it back I notice something rather rare.

There he is, my knight in shinning, bright

armour on one knee. I said "yes" that night.

We hugged and spun

and he put that ring on my finger

and we stayed locked together as one

for a very long time.

That is, until we went home at the midnight chime.

A Little Bit of Happiness, A Little Bit of JoyWhere stories live. Discover now