Chapter 13

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I brushed my hair as Summer Insane played through the speakers . I slipped on my Ugg's boots and grabbed my keys. Lately I been late almost everyday. My phone began to ring with Devontae name flashing on the screen. I ignored it and continued to head for the door .

"See you later mom I love you", I said before walking out the door .

I arrived to the school in less than 30 minutes. As soon as I parked my car the door opened with Devontae getting in . I laughed at how smoothly he got in . He always finding ways to ignore me .

"Now why you in my car ", I said rolling my eyes

"To see your beautiful face of course ",he said pulling me into a hug like he couldn't wait for me to get out

"Well I don't want to see yours ", I said pulling away from him making sure to grab my stuff in the process

I waited for him to get out to lock my door .

"Don't be getting in my car just sitting down when you see me getting out big nose ", I said playfully pushing him only to cause him to be extra

The walk to the school was filled with him talking my ears off not getting the hint that he was getting Ignored. I smiled seeing my friend come to save me with the biggest smile on her face.

"Hey pretty girl leave my friend alone she don't want you ", she said with a mug eyeing Devontae

"Girl your bestie love me don't let her fool you ", he said earning a laugh from me

"If I wanted you I'll be with you asshole", I said smartly

He smacked his teeth and walked off probably feeling a certain way .

I hurriedly left out of the school kinda upset at how puffy my hair gotten. I was already a lil disappointed because she had to go back and cut my ends leaving my hair to be at shoulder length. I know it isn't bad but it isn't as long as it was at first . I rubbed my hand in my hair feeling the frizz.
My eyes landed on Devontae talking around a girl. A very pretty one at that . Her hair was flat ironed bone straight stopping at her shoulders. She laughed and playfully pushed him as he laughed showing all his teeth. I smiled at the sight because she really have him blushing . He haven't blushed like that since well .....since me. That kind of made me frown.

I got in my car and started it up making sure to not get his attention. Before pulling off I turned on Summer Walker Insane then sped off. My attempt to not be noticed was a failure because he still waved at me right in front of the girl.

Hey zy

What Devontae?

Dang so it's like that now oh ok I see you

Boy bye

I hung up the phone and parked my car. I pulled my hair in a ponytail and got out the car . Before I could make it to the door I felt a hand grab my waist. I looked up to see an unfamiliar face.

"Um who are you ", I asked raising my eyebrow

"You don't remember me?", he asked sounding a lil hurt

"No I don't ", I said turning around to walk in the door but was stopped again

"Okay for real you really don't remember ? It's me Chris", he said putting classes on his face causing me to notice it was him

At that very moment I turned right around and walked in the house:

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2021 ⏰

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