Chapter 3

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"Hey my pretty baby",I said picking up Chanan

I picked her up as she cooed and made baby noise. Just as I was about to walk out the room the phone began to ring.

Hey bighead

Sup small head

**rolls eyes** what you doing

Nothing talking to the most beautiful girl in the world

**blushes** Awnl thank you babycakes

Babysitting ain't it

Duh can't you see this adorable face

Can't wait till we have ours


Yes ours

Don't even play like that

You know you want ALL this

I cut him off with a laugh before he could finish. He really be running out. Chanan leaned back in my arm giggling.

"Oh that baby is tickled",I cooed with a laugh

I rolled my eyes as I looked up to my bestfriend doing dumb stuff.

"You really don't have any sense",I said with a mug

"So you still love me tho",he said placing his arm around my shoulder

"Says who"?,I asked

"Me ,you know if you wasn't with Devontae you would've been all on me",he said with a smirk

I stepped back and looked him up and down

"NIGGA, first of ALL you dusty",I started

"Second of ALL",I begun but was stopped with his hand covering my mouth

"Stank ass hands"

He nudged me with a mug earning a laugh from me. I continued to swing on the swings as I watched the little kids play. I felt a tug at my leg . I looked down to see a baby with her arms up.

I picked her up and studied her face. She is so adorable

"Pretty girl where you suppose to be"?,I asked

She pointed to her mommy who was smiling at me

"I believe this beautiful human being belongs to you",I said handing over the baby

"Thanks she is a hand full",the mother said who looked more like the baby sister than mother

"I'm Quan"


"You look so familiar ",she said studying my face

"So do you ", I said studying them as well

We exchanged numbers and went our separate ways

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