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I watched him walk through the hall with the biggest smile ever eager to hug me. I smiled at his excitement at seeing me. Every since I gave him a chance after he begged for 2 months straight . We was friends for 5 months before he started expressing his feelings to me. At first I wasn't disappointed at him having feelings for me. I was beginning to think I had a male friend. Guess I was mistaken .

"Hey",he said smiling ear to ear making me smile

"Hey",I said in between smiling as he pulled me in a bear hug

He let go and began walking me to my class.

"So you excited to see yo man or ", he said

I faced him with squinted eyes.

"Well I don't know maybe",I said pretending to think about it

"Oh really", he picked me up spending me around

"Yeah I miss you",I said laughing

"Better long head ass",he said putting me down as I rolled my eyes at his joke

"Fat nose ass always tryna joke" ,I said with a mug

"You like this fat nose tho",was his last words before he walked into the gym

I laughed at his comment and continued walking to my class.

I usually always walk to class alone. I don't really have friends which is weird to me but as long as I got Devontae I'm good on friends.

I took a seat in my second period ready for the day to fly by .

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