Chapter 12

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Zy pov

I hurried up and grabbed my purse trying to beat the time . Today I was going to the salon to get a silk press. I was super excited to finally see my hair growth. I been natural for 2 years now and I am extremely proud of how big my fro gets Everytime I wear out. After 20 minutes I arrived to my destination.

"Heyyyyy zyyy", my hairstylist greeted with the biggest genuine smile

That's why I love her she is so sweet .

"Hey boo", I said with the same energy

She rubbed her hand through my already washed and combed hair .

"Okay you did all the hard work I see all I gotta do is flat iron okay then boo", she said plugging up her flat irons

We small talked while she did her thing with my hair . After almost 2 hours of her trimming my hair and flat ironing she was finally done. I smiled from ear to ear as I examined my hair in the mirror.

"Omg I love it!", I squealed with excitement giving her a small hug not wanting to do too much

"I know right", she said before telling me the price

I happily gave her the money with a tip and made my way out the salon.

I took some pics and posted em on Snapchat. Right on cue Devontae called causing me to roll my eyes.

Hello what ya want ?

Girl don't do that with yo pretty tail self

Mmm whatever what ?

Dang I just wanted to see how beautiful you look on FaceTime I seen you picture on snap you look good ma

***slightly blushes but hide it** well thank you boo

Ima come over after work okay?


     I hung up the phone I flashed the big smile that I was hiding the whole time. Devontae and I have been getting back on good terms but we are simply friends who like to spend a lot of time together. Lately I been distancing myself because I don't want him to get ahead of himself thinking it's more than what it is .
    I parked the car and got out . Soon as I walked in I was greeted by my day Maxi . I just got her recently out of boredom . I know crazy right ? I was lonely and purchased her she was too cute to not even consider it. I picked her up and carried her to my room . I watched her rub and cuddle up next to me as I continued to scroll on Instagram totally intrigued. I was interrupted by a FaceTime call.

I'm at the door can you come open the door babycakes

I hung up rolling my eyes with Maxi  following behind me .

"Hey beautiful ", he said pulling me in a hug with a jumpy Maxi

"Oh hey girl give me some love", he said taking Maxi out of my arms

"Don't be tryna steal my dog ", I said rolling my eyes

"Oh somebody jealous I see ", he said teasing me

"Not come on Maxi girl ", I cooed as she jumped in my arms

       I put her in her cage and sat down on the couch beside Devontae. To keep things from becoming inappropriate we only chilled in the living room or any places in the house that weren't my room .  I glanced at him admiring his features as he looked at his phone not paying attention. My eyes trailed to his lips and back up to his pretty brown eyes. I quickly looked away and pulled out my phone not wanting him to see.

Devontae POV

     I could feel her looking at me and I slightly smirked knowing she was falling for me again despite her efforts of trying not to . I know she miss me . I sure do miss her. Every second. Every minute. Even when I'm working I catch my mind drifting off to her . I picture her beautiful smile in my head. I turned around to her to give her a piece of her own medicine.
    I looked at how her freshly hair  done flowed to her mid back . How her pretty plumped lips shined from lipgloss. Can't forget about her big pretty brown eyes that went amazing with her skin completion . Not thinking I leaned in to kiss her but stopped myself not wanting to run her away. I decided to just pull her in a hug and cuddle with her . I kissed her forehead and watched her cheeks turn red .
      I am really in-love.

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