Prologue: CBPW Incident and The Bite of 83

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"Father... It's me Michael. i did it. I found it. It was right where you said it would be...They were all there. They didn't recognize me at first but then, they thought i was you. *Gasping laugh* And i found her. I put her back together, just like you asked me to. She is free now, but something is wrong with me. I should be dead, but I'm not. I've been living in shadows. There is only one thing left for me to do now. I'm going to come find you... I'm going to come find you..."

I opened my eyes as the morning sun came through the windows. I blinked and looked at the clock on the shelf. It was 5:40 am. I chuckled to myself. Dad was already at work. He never cares for me or Lizzy, but he loves Evan to death. It's not fair. Why won't he love us? I can take it; I've had to for years now. My life was actually ok when it was just me, but Once Eli was born the neglect from my father started, but one look at Eli, and I couldn't hate her, she was small, and cute, she was my baby sister, and id guide her, no matter how hard life got for me. No matter how much neglect I faced, I did my best to be there for Eli. But Elizibeth can't take neglect, Shes young, I don't want her to have to go down the same path as I. Father just ignores her and I, the only time he acknowledges her is when she asks about that creepy shiny clown robot he built. She always asks and begs to go see it, but he always shuts her down. I've taken to bullying Evan, always loved, always given affection, always happy, it wasn't fair. I know i shouldn't have done it, but you're not so smart as a neglected kid. I don't think Father even cares if Lizzy or I die, he only cares about Evan. Evan always carries a Fredbear Plush that dad gave him with him everywhere he goes. I just don't understand why Father doesn't love Liz and I but loves Evan unconditionally. I should have known it was all fake...

Monday, 4/13/1982

Today Father took us all to His self-founded Pizzaria, it was... strange, to say the least. The Characters felt... off. There was something off about the Characters that I couldn't shake. After a few Hours, Evan, Lizzy, and I were in Circus Babys room. Liz wanted to go see her, but i was reluctant. Circus Baby gave off that same creepy vibe the other robots gave off, although, it was much less than the other animatronics. But i still didn't trust it. Liz started to step towards the robot, but i put a hand on her shoulder. She looked at me with large eyes, I'd never told her no without good reason, so the fact that i had stopped her from going to the animatronic had concerned her.

"Brother why can't I go see Circus Baby, Daddy made her just for me." 
"I... Just have... a bad feeling Liz, please just trust me on this."
"But Michael, Shes so pretty and shiny, please let me see her."
I suddenly heard my father call my name from the next room over.
"Ok, I'll tell you what Liz. You and Evan wait right here for me to get back, and we'll all go see her together, ok? I promise."
"Pinky promise Mikey?"
"Pinkie Promise Lizzy."

After we Locked Pinkies, i looked at Evan.
"Stay close to Lizzy, i won't be gone long. Ok crybaby?"
Evan nods while clutching his plush. I pat his head and head to the next room, but my father wasn't there, I check the next room, and the next one, he wasn't in either of them. I looked in the next one and saw him talking with Uncle Henry. I walked up and replied.

Mike: "Yes Father?"
William: "What Michael?"

Mike: " You called me?"
William: "No, I didn't Mike, now please leave, I'm discussing important matters with Henry."
Mike: "Ok, sorry to disturb you father. Bye Uncle Henry."

And then I left them in that entrance way. But suddenly I got a sinking feeling. Something didn't feel right, I picked up my pace. It still felt too slow, i started sprinting down the hall towards where I left Lizzy and Evan. I burst through the doorway in time to see the robot launch a big Claw out of its middle, grab Lizzy and pull her inside its Torso. I looked and saw Evan standing in the corner of the room clutching his Fredbear plush in fear. I felt so many emotions at once, pain, sadness, guilt, anger, and hatred. I glared at him with tears leaving my eyes.


I was shaking in rage, as i ran up to the robot, beating on its stomach plating, trying desperately to pry it open and get my sister back, but it was no use. I heard footsteps enter the room, and i turned just as my father walked in in.

William: "Michael, what happened?!"

I ignored him and stormed away; I kept going until i was out of the building. If i interacted with anyone i was going to hurt them, the way i was feeling right now. I kept going home was half a mile away, but i didn't care, i needed to walk to try and not lose my head. I had given that crybaby, ONE TASK!!!, and he couldn't even do that. All he had to do was stay with Lizzy, until i got back. I entered the house and made my way down to my room. I slammed and locked both doors. Then sat on my bed, looked up at the ceiling and let out a scream of sadness and rage. Afterwards i looked down, my vision clouded by the excess tears in my eyes. i wiped them away. and looked around my room, and soon enough my eyes landed on my foxy mask that my mother had given to me shortly before she had died. I grabbed it and held it in my lap and ran a hand over it. Then i got... my grand idea... I decided that I would mentally torment Evan. I would never let him forget his failure to keep my baby sister safe. With a mind clouded with rage and vengeance, i put my mask on, and went up to the living room. I got behind the tv and waited. Soon enough Evan came through the door, dad was nowhere to be seen, so i made my move, i waited for Evan to approach the tv, before suddenly lunging out, emitting my best terrifying scream. Evan shrieked, and collapsed to the floor, crying in the fetal position. I laughed; he was terrified by a simple jump scare. I then walked away to my room. He would know pain, deep down however, i know it wasn't his fault, but i needed an outlet, because i failed. My one job was to keep my little sister safe, and i failed to do that. In a long fit of depressed rage, i bullied and tormented Evan for over a year. Yes, my father occasionally stepped in to punish me for it, usually consisting of a belt buckle to the face, but it wouldn't make me stop, Evan failed my sister, and i would make sure he felt the pain i was feeling. I scared him nearly every day, i let up on holidays, except for Halloween. But one day... i went too far... WAY. TOO. FAR...

August 24th, 1983

 I met up with my friends, Taiyang, Raven, and her brother Qrow. Summer was there sometimes, but she didn't like me or my decisions. And that's completely fair from an outsider's perspective. We all got masks of the new Fredbear and friend's characters and hunted down my brother, we decided to give him a huge scare on his Birthday. Thats when Raven gave me that..."Grand Idea". 

Raven: "Hey, you know how we can scare the hell out of that baby?"
Mike: "How Raven?"
Raven: "We take him up to Fredbear and stuff him into the animatronics mouth while saying he wants to kiss it, then we pull him away and let him run to wherever."

Mike: "Thats not a bad idea raven, i like it."
I wish i had listened to my instincts that day, they told me it was a bad idea. I should have listened. But my hatred over losing Liz overcame everything else. 
"Let's do it." I said with a smirk. God, i was such a fucking asshole.
We found Evan, hiding under a party table. crying over something, we all put our masks on and surrounded him and started saying hurtful things.
Tai: "Wow, your brother is kind of a baby, isn't he?"
Mike: "It's hilarious, why don't we help him get a closer look? He'll love it!"

Evan: "No, p-please!!"
Mike: "C'mon guys, let's give the little man a lift, he wants to get up close and personal."
Evan: "N-No i d-d I don't wanna go!!!"
Mike: "You heard the little man he wants to get even closer! Bahahaha!"
Mike: "Hey guys, i think i heard the little man say he wants to give Fredbear a big kiss."
Raven: "Aww that's adorable."
Mike: "On three, One..., Two..."

We then shoved Evan into Fredbears mouth and began laughing at his terror. His struggling was getting frantic, and panicky. We continued laughing before i finally think he had enough terror.

Mike: "Calm down crybaby, I'm going to get Ya dow-"
I couldn't even finish that sentence as suddenly, Fredbear clamped down with heavy force, and Evan went limp.

Qrow: "d-Dude...are you ok?" 
Mike: "Evan?"
It was dead silent all around. the words barely left my mouth audibly. Tai ran off as fast as he could, not wanting to be involved with this mess. I couldn't blame him; this was a horrible turn of events.

I didn't even turn around to acknowledge Qrow and Raven.

Mike: "Call an ambulance..."
Raven: "wha-"
Mike:  N  O  W  !!! " I whirled back glaring at Raven for even thinking of talking instead of dialing her scroll.

The next few hours were a blur. After whom knows how long, we were in Evan's hospital room, and i sat by his bed, staring at my hands. Father sat next to me, a straight face, but his left eyelid was twitching from anger. Then the doctor came into the room and beckoned my father out of the room to speak with him.  I took this moment to stare at Evan tears streaming down my face. i hurt my own brother in such an awful way. I tried my best to speak with him.

Mike: "C-Can you hear me? I don't know if you can hear me...I-...I'm sorry..." I spoke as calmly as i could. After a few minutes i heard the worst sound of my life.

I stared in horror at the monitor. My brother had died. My Brother was dead. And it was all. My. fault. I ran. Ran as fast as i could. I didn't stop, i ran all the way home, down to my room and screamed into my bedsheets. After i finished screaming, i took my mask and saw that it still had blood on it. Evan's blood... I glared at the thing and threw it at the wall with all my strength. Smashing the upper right side of it off into pieces. I Then sat and buried my face into my knees. i heard footsteps coming down the stairs and towards my room. I didn't care what was about to happen. I deserved everything that was going to happen to me. The door opened, and i could smell alcohol. Next thing i knew i felt something collide with my head, emitting a smashing sound. I lay stunned on the ground. refusing to move. It was my father with a broken whiskey bottle in his hand. his eyes were red. and he had dried tear marks on his face. He didn't speak, he saw that the bottle was broken, and threw it at me. It hurt, feeling the sharp glass dig into my body, but I didn't dare flinch, I deserved every second of this. After that, he spat on me, then turned, and left, slamming the door behind him.

It's all my fault. All my fault, ALL MY FAULT!!!! And this, was just the beginning, of my sad, pathetic life story.

(And that's the new prologue, more lore tied, but were still running with the Mike-trap theory as it was what was believed when the first interpretation of this book was released. Don't worry i have a second springtrap story that's more cannon tied if you're interested.)

(EDIT: Just cleaned up some of the prologue as the story has taken some massive changes behind the scenes since this was first posted -Deergutter824 1/12/2024)

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