Chapter 8: A new job

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I stared at the man. He gave off a mysterious vibe. Like he knew all. Given that he said my name, i decided to drop the charade. I sat up and looked him in the eyes. His eyes shone a brilliant greyish brown color. He stared right back, my faded, twisted, glowing eyes probably had him thinking. He continued to look me over, likely trying to figure out why i looked the way i do. 
"I take it you overheard the kid and i's conversation?" I asked him.
"Bits and pieces Michael. Or should I call you (Y/N)?" He replied to me.
"Ok I've gathered you heard enough of it." I reply with what would have been a smile but i can't move my human mouth.
"Wait, how do you understand me anyway?" Ruby couldn't until-"
"I've been around for a long time Mike, I've picked up quite a few tricks in my life, your voice is far from the most difficult to decipher."
I nod at him.
"So, professor Ozpin, do you know Uncle Mike?" Ruby asked the man with her head tilted.
"The answer to that question miss Rose, is quite complicated. But in short, yes I do know him." The man replied while sipping on a mug of coffee that he seemed to have pulled out of nowhere.
"So, professor, what do you want from me? You wouldn't have had me brought here without a reason." I ask him.
"Just as clever as i was told you were, it seems." He replied while giving me a smug grin.
"Oh really? who told you about me?"
"One of my old students, He always spoke highly of you. He said you were the best person he knew when it came to robotics and electronics."
"Uhm...i would have to disagree sir. I never bothered to get very good with stuff like that when i was younger. I was not a very good kid."
"Michael, I'm aware of what your childhood was like. He told me everything. But that's not what I'm here to talk to you about. I'm here to ask you if you would like a job here?"
I stared for a moment. Why would i want a job here? i have to find William and kill him for good.
"With all due respect, I don't think i can accept that sir. I'm on a very important mission, and I can't afford to be delayed any more than I already have."
"With hunting down your father?"
I stared at him. How could he have known that that's what I was doing?
"How did i know that? Henry Told me all about it. I understand your eagerness to go after him Mike and im very much leaning on letting you go after him. But the reason i asked if you wanted a job here is twofold. One, i want you to be able to attempt to unwind and relax for a bit. You have had almost no time to be yourself mike, and i want you to be able to do that again. Secondly, knowing that miss Rose has taken to calling you "Uncle Mike" I feel she may be able to help you adjust to how the world works. And as for your mission, do not worry, as Henry has enlisted my help for it. I have eyes and ears all over Remnant right now. If a lead about your father comes up, i will let you pursue it under the guise of a mission. That's all, So, would you accept?"
I think about it for a moment. I mull it over for a few moments before deciding.
"All right, I'll accept, but I have a condition." i respond to him.
Ozpin raised an eyebrow.
"And what might that condition be Mike?"
"Any info discovered about Him. that is not important enough for a mission. I will be granted a copy of to look over. Sound fair?"
Ozpin sipped his coffee before nodding.
"Fair enough young man. Welcome to beacon." He said before extending his hand for a handshake. I reach out and take his hand and return the gesture.
"OH one more thing Ozpin."
"How am i going to teach anything when i look like a walking mess of ew?"
"Ah, i have a solution to that. Here." He handed me a small disc with a glowing light on it.
"What is this?"
"Its an illusion disk. Henry made it for you, asked me to give it to you if i ever ran into you. It will make you look like yourself, but it wont be able to hide your true form completely."
"Ahh, well Thank you Ozpin. It should help greatly. So... how do i use it?"
Ozpin chuckled.
"Press it against a part of your body and twist it til the light glows green."
I did as he said and i guess the disk worked as Ruby stared at me with wide eyes.
"WOW UNCLE MIKE YOU LOOK... " She trailed off seemingly becoming lost in her thoughts.
"Ah, good to see it works, and it looks like the only thing it doesn't hide are the animatronic rabbit ears. Oh, one more thing Mike."
I looked at Ozpin.
"The disc has a limited battery life. So, you won't be able to wear it twenty-four seven. It will last around 5 hours, so use it wisely. There will be a recharge station for the disc in your room."
"Ok, Thank you Ozpin."
"You're welcome Mike, now miss Goodwitch and Rose will show you to your dorm." He said as a Blonde woman with green eyes walked up. She stared at me for a moment before speaking.
"Hello, I am Glynda Goodwitch, I will show you to your dorm, please follow me." She beckoned Ruby and I to follow her and we did. We walked for roughly fifteen minutes. and stop at a large wooden door.
"These will be your quarters sir." She said gesturing towards the door. I walked forward and pushed the door open.
"Thank you miss Goodwitch." I say before stepping into the room. Ruby follows close behind.
"You're welcome, Michael. I'll come get you in two hours to show you where you will be teaching." Miss Goodwitch replied before she turned and walked away. I stared around the room.
"'s actually... a really nice room." I mumble while looking around. It was a very lavishly furnished room. Book cases, large bed, desk, Recliner, recliner table, bedside dresser, this room had everything. I walked over to the desk and saw that all the info i had gathered on Wlliam was somehow already there.
"How the f-...." I trail off staring at the pile of papers. How did he get all this stuff here so fast? I look around and sur enough there were other files that I had collected over the years before getting trapped inside of Springlock Bonnie. How did he find all this stuff? I looked around some more before I decided to sit in the recliner. I beckon Ruby to sit in the chair across from me.
"So, what do i need to know about society now a days? I assume it's changed since I was last in it."
"Ok so, there's like, SOOOOOOO much to talk about !!!" Ruby practically screamed with excitement. I sat back and listened carefully as she began to babble on about the world and what she knew about current and past events. She seemed extremely excited and knowledgeable. Although the topic always seemed to drift towards cookies and baked goods every so often. She told me about the academy and how it was a place for Huntsmen and huntresses to train and become strong enough to fight off Creatures of Grimm. I never really thought about those beasts. I was so wrapped up in my own little world when i was younger that it seemed to me like they didn't even exist. Jeez i was so self-absorbed. I listened on as Ruby kept going. 
"Ok so then i told Yang that when we got done she owed me a trip to the best bakery in town. She has yet to hold up her end of that deal." Ruby said with a pout. 
I laughed a bit, It seems Ruby and her sister are quite the handful.
"Sooo, what about You uncle Mike? What was your life like that led up to now?" She asked me. I froze up for a moment. I wasn't sure if I wanted to answer that. I mulled the question over for a bit, before finally taking a deep breath and sighing.
"Ok, where do i even begin. . . ?" I say while leaning forward.

*Five Hours Later*

"After that i went to the final Freddys Location. I took apart the animatronics in the two-step process to free the souls trapped inside. However, Things didn't go as planned. After i had finished dismantling the last robot, i continued to dig through the company's old files in an attempt to find ANY dirt on HIM. But before I could continue, A bright glow filled the room. I turned only to see the angered faces of the murdered children. I backed up in a bit of fear,  Five proceeded to block the exit while one began chasing me around the room. Doing her best to try and get her hands on me to kill me. I kept dodging and fleeing, but i knew i was going to eventually tire out so i knew i had to hide. And fortunately, or i guess Unfortunately. My only option was the original Springbonnie Springlock Animatronic. I knew it was risky, but i didn't have much choice. I quickly ran over, compressed the suits endoskeleton with the hand crank, and climbed inside, Locking the final mechanisms so the suit wouldn't shake around loosely."

" I stood there for about two or three minutes before the true reality of the situation hit me like a truck. And i began to laugh nervously. Then i heard a faint splatting sound and felt something wet touch my shoulder. I looked over and saw a damp spot. I was puzzled but then looked up and saw faint water droplets seeping into the room through the old run-down ceiling. Then realization hit me. Springlocks and water Can NOT coexist. Then the most painful thing any living being could ever experience happened. The springlocks snapped. I felt the searing pain of the old rusty locks snapping into my skin and flesh, before all that metal, plastic, gears, and wiring they were holding back went back into place right behind them. I was disabled almost instantly. The force of the parts crushing me like a garbage compacter. I could hear bones snapping and crunching, could feel the flesh being torn and contorted. I couldn't even scream as i had two large, curved pieces of metal pierce my vocal cords. I feel backwards, bleeding out until my vision finally faded into darkness."

Ruby stared at me in silence, with a look of horror on her face. I paused before continuing.
"I was left in that back room for an unknown amount of time. Next thing i saw when i awoke was that i was no longer in the saferoom. I was somewhere else. after some trial and error of getting to my feet, i started to roam the place. Soon after i saw that... monster... there was rage... then there was fire... then darkness, and then i was in that room with you kid." I finish while staring at Ruby. She was silent for a moment, before she lunged at me rapidly. I tensed up, assuming she would strike me for what happened to Evan, but instead i was surprised as she had enveloped me into a tight hug. I was slightly taken aback, but i slowly accepted the hug. Charlie sat on my shoulders watching the scene unfold. "Aww, you're so nice Ruby." she said with a wide smile. Ruby let go of me and scooted back with noticeable red on her face. "S-sorry uncle Mike, i-i just thought-" I interrupted her. "It's fine kid, if it's any consolation, I fully expected you to slug me, not go for a hug." Ruby gained a confused look on her face. "Why would i hit you?! You have been through more than enough! It's clear you didn't mean for that incident to happen with your brother, you needed a hug more than anything uncle Mike." She stated with confidence. I was stunned slightly. I never thought anyone would tell me those words. Not in a million years. "Hey Mikey?" "Yes Charlie?" "Can we go to bed? I'm tired." Charlie said while rubbing her eyes. "How are you able to feel tired? aren't you a ghost?"  Ruby asked her. "Sure Charlie, one moment." 
I reply before turning towards Ruby. "I think you should probably get back to your dorm room. I'm sure your team is worried about you, kiddo." I tell ruby as i ruffle her hair. "OH SHOOT ITS ELEVEN PM!!! BYEUNCLEMIKETHANKSFORTHETALKI'LLSEEYOUTOMORROW!!!" Ruby said in a blur before sprinting out the door and down the hall. "Well... that was something." I said before turning to Charlie. She was sitting on the bed making grabbing motions. "Tuck me in and read me a bedtime story." she said as she yawned. I sigh with a chuckle before i walk over and pull the covers back and let her get settled before tucking them in. Then i walk over to the bookshelf and scan it for a good Childrens book.

*One copywritten children's story later*

After i had finished reading i looked over to Charlie. She was out cold. calmly breathing while taking what was likely her first proper sleep in almost thirty years or so. I vaguely wondered where the other spirts and Evan were, but i could look for them tomorrow. For now, i turned off the lights in the room, walked over to the fireplace made sure it was well lit, sat in my chair, grabbed a book, and spent my night relaxing for the first time in ages.

Two sides of a face (Michael Afton x RWBY) BOOK OneWhere stories live. Discover now