Chapter 6: Fazbears Fright

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Nearly eighteen Years have passed.

The building was left to rot and deteriorate. What was left of the building was fiercely guarded by the spirits. They scared away any would-be intruders. Every day there would always be someone keeping an eye on Michael, but he never moved. The costume decayed over time, exposing more of the mangled mess of a corpse inside, this attracted rats, whom the kids would scare away from the corpse. But considering how rats are, it was difficult to keep them away. The years went on and on, Eventually, most of them believed Mike wasn't going to wake up. Then One day, a group of people entered the building and began collecting Everything from torn drawings, The old shells of the mascots, everything. Then one of them poked his head into the broken open saferoom, and saw something that they had been hunting for, for forever now. There in the corner, was an animatronic. It was rotted to hell, but it was mostly intact. He called the rest of the crew in, and they began to drag it out of the building and towards their truck. Elizibeth awoke, and emerged from Mikes scroll, where both her and circus baby resided. And saw that Mike was being stolen by some unknown people, she quickly went to the kitchen to get the others.
"GUYS, GUYS! THERES PEOPEL HERE, AND THEYRE STEALING MIKEY!!!" the other spirts didn't hesitate, they went after Michael, and saw him get tossed into the back of a huge moving truck. Given it looked like they were moving mike and everything else to somewhere new, they decided to just join Michael in the truck.
"Where do you think they're taking all this stuff to?"
"I don't know, but i guess we'll find out eventually wont we?"
"Wake me up when we get there." Liz said before disappearing back into Mikes scroll. The spirits all sat in the truck, some of them looking around, some staring off into nothing. Evan and Charlie were sitting next to Mikes body. Charlie was staring down at her hands. She had hoped she could have saved Michael, but she was beginning to think her power didn't work, that she had failed to save one of the few people she was close to.

Evan sat next to mike, hugging his knees. He was staring at the floor, until the truck hit a bump, jostling the inside a bit, the sudden shift shook something loose from inside the broken-down Spring bonnie suit. A familiar Fred bear plush with black eyes and a small, folded piece of paper tied to its ear. He hesitantly picked it up and read it.

'It was my fault; I wasn't careful enough. I'm so sorry Evan. I hope that one day, I can find you again and give you this plush, I know how fond you were of it. I'm so sorry.' Evan could feel the tears welling up again and hugged his plush tightly. He thought he would never see his Fred bear plush again. He leaned against the suit and whispered softly.

"Thank you."
The truck continued its trek. After around nine hours, the truck finally made it to its end destination. The truck pulled to a stop and two men opened the sliding door on the back, letting early morning sunlight into the back. The spirits watched as they grabbed Michael first and hauled him out of the truck.

"Oum, why is this thing so heavy? It feels like it weighs like, three times what it should."
"I don't know, but Oum this thing smells terrible."
"Uh dude? I think there's a corpse in this thing..."
"Huh?" He looked down at the animatronic and squinted, and sure enough, he could see strips of flesh and bone through the tears in the costume. But it gave him an idea.
"Leave it, it will make it creepier."
"What, dude you can't be-, But...*sigh* fine." They continued dragging the suit towards the building. The kids watched with varied reactions. The main four were concerned for the one man's lack of concern of there being a corpse in the costume. Cassidy was staring at one of the men carrying Mike, unhappy with their lacks for concern for anything. Evan was sitting on Michael's chest, refusing to leave him alone in the hands of these strangers. Charlie was floating after them, with the others not far behind her. The two men sat Mike down in the end of one room and left to go get all the other supplies. After thirty minutes, they finished loading everything into the building, and they left. Locking the door behind them. The spirits wandered around the building, exploring their new surroundings.

Two sides of a face (Michael Afton x RWBY) BOOK OneWhere stories live. Discover now