Chapter 4; The Day He Left

415 21 10

Year 847

"Hey Connie, help!", you cried out helpless. You heard his footsteps approach quickly, but couldn't see anything in your position.

"Oi, get off of her!", he called out, joining the cluster of his two siblings laughing and bouncing up and down on your trapped figure. Sunny's hair were in your eyes, and you desperately tried to shake it off as it started stinging.

They loved whenever you came over; today especially, as you and Connie had been appointed as temporary babysitters while his parents were out of town for the day. They always played quite rough with the two of you, but it was as if they understood that you were the only source of authority for the day, meaning they were quite eager to test and stretch every limit there was.

"Ouch!", Connie yelped after you heard the sound of a thud. Martin were laughing even louder now, making you believe he had pushed Connie, sending him tumbling off the sofa. "Come on guys!", he exclaimed once he got back up on his feet. With a breath of determination, he grabbed a hold of Martin, lifting him off, which allowed for you to wiggle free from Sunny.

You gasped for air, feeling Sunny jump atop your back immediately after you thought you were free. Connie yelped once again as Martin had hooked a finger in the corner of his mouth, yanking it towards him.

"Do you guys really want your mom and dad to—", you stopped mid-sentence, sniffing the air. Something smelled burnt. "Connie! You left the food on the stove?!", you exclaimed, running over to the kitchen with Sunny still dangling by your neck.

"Ou hold me to comph helh ou!", he defended himself from the living room, his words barely coherent as Martin still yanked at the corner of his lip while he spoke. You turned the stove off, stirring the vegetable soup in a desperate attempt to save it. It had various lumps in it and smelled kind of charred, but it had to do. It was all you had for the day.

"Well, this might not be as good as it could've been, but we just have to dig in", you said with a sigh, placing the pot in the middle of the dining table. "Sunny, sit down please", you then pleaded tired, and to your relief she listened, her feet hitting the floor with a light thud.

Connie walked in and placed Martin in his seat while you poured equal amounts of soup into four bowls. It seemed the havoc the pair caused made them especially hungry, both siblings eating in silence without complaints, though the food in your opinion tasted like shit. It seems Connie thought the same, the non-verbal conversation you were having with your eyes about the charred food making you laugh. Connie's face after the first bite was priceless; eyes blown wide just as his cheeks, seconds away from spitting it right out again.


You ran your fingers through Sunny's hair a few more times to make sure she really was fast asleep, before quietly getting up from the edge of her bed. Tiptoeing, you made your way down the stairs, feeling absolutely exhausted.

"Connie Springer, what the hell are you doing?", you asked stern once you saw him laying spread out across the sofa munching on an apple instead of scrubbing the pile of dirty dishes begging to be cleaned. He jumped slightly in surprise, however settled right back into the soft cushion of the couch.

"What? I'm hungry, the food was inedible", he shrugged, taking another bite. You scoffed.

"Yeah I know that, it was absolutely horrid, but we agreed that you'd clean up while I put them to bed! It's been an hour!"



With an exaggerated sigh, he got his ass off the couch, slouching his shoulders as he walked over to the sink. You plopped down on a chair right by him, resting your elbow atop the backrest before leaning your cheek against it.

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