Chapter 13; The Curse and the Sea

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You had been persistent with your training and Connie had been just as persistent with his teaching. Even Mikasa had joined to help out at times, absolutely crushing you of course,- but her tips and tricks were more than useful.

A month had passed already, and it became easier to live in the moment for each day that went by. It helped that you had something to focus on, -something to improve. Eren told you all about what he saw in his father's memories a few days after the ceremony. It was tough news to swallow for sure, hearing how you were essentially cursed to die after thirteen years... You'd be able to just about turn thirty, and then you'd have to kick the bucket; passing the curse on to some other unfortunate soul.

It was more than visible on Connie's face that these news were destructive on his mind. Not only did Eren not have all that much time left, but he just recently got you back in his life. How could you be destined to slip away from him again so soon? And there being absolutely nothing anyone could do to change it; well he just couldn't seem to grasp it.

It seems you both found comfort in the hours of the days you had training, or just those you spent in each other's presence. It made your position in their team feel more real, and Connie liked that. He liked knowing you'd get to work together side by side, the same way he does with all the others he cares about. It was like you finally got to do what the two of you always talked about.

"Okay. I think it's time", Connie announced suddenly one morning, marching inside the equipment shed where you were clumsily fastening your harness. That part hadn't gotten any easier yet. You immediately looked at him with wonder in your eyes. Could he mean-


"Yeah, I think you've become strong enough to where the transition from practice to the real deal is much smoother. So grab a—"

Connie wasn't able to finish his sentence; cut off by your cheers. "For real?! I'm so excited!", you ran up to him, trapping him in a tight hug. He let out a ginger laugh.

"Hey, calm down, you might not wanna rush the celebrations just yet. Just getting the hang of it can be hard enough", he said calm, looking at your form still clinging to his own. Thinking about it, he honestly wished he'd just kept his mouth shut and allowed you your time in the sun. Who cares if it might get tough when it made you so happy? He'd do anything to keep you that way now, recent news considered. It was like your happiness was connected to his own at this point. He couldn't quite be happy if you weren't.

You were still clinging onto him tightly, prompting him to timidly wrap his own arms around you in return. It felt good like that; right, in a way. Like you were meant to stick close by one another for the rest of your days on this messed up world. It made it all feel more bearable.

If the unavoidable truth was that he was going to loose you one day, he would make damned sure not to waste any precious time he had with you.

"Let's go before the place is crawling with soldiers. It tends to get busy around noon", he eventually said, pulling back. You were still radiating with excitement, eyes practically sparkling when you picked up every piece of heavy gear Connie pointed out for you to take. He had already attached his own to his harness.

On your days of basic training, you've had to continuously watch other recruits and seasoned soldiers alike manoeuvre through the treetops above an all around you. You were aching for a chance to have a go at it yourself. Having to be their titan vessel was such a nerve wracking and scary responsibility to you, that having the chance to do something every soldier did seemed more approachable. It seemed simpler, in a way, as hundreds of thousands of men and women before you had paved the way. Operating the Colossal Titan however... well that was something you basically had to figure out all on your own.

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