Chapter 10; The Reclamation of What Once Was

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Late in the evening the very next day, the entirety of the Scout Regiment had set out for Wall Maria as soon as the darkness of the night covered the land.

Eren had successfully plugged up the outer gate, and everything seemed to be going according to plan... that was for a short while at least. Before Eren could even reach the inner gate, Reiner showed himself; hiding behind a board disguised as a part of the wall. After a quick attack from Levi, Reiner was now twitching and squirming on the ground below; small yellow lightning streaks dancing atop his body as he transformed...

"Shit! Is that another titan power? So close, but I couldn't finish him!", Levi exclaimed from where he hung by the wall.

"Keep on the lookout! Locate his allies-", Erwin roared, but was cut off by yet another flash of light behind him, accompanied by the familiar thundering sound. Though this time, there weren't just one... No there were dozens, all lighting up in a curved line surrounding the inner gate; blocking their only way back to Wall Rose.

"It's that monkey again!", Connie muttered to the rest staring ahead utterly dumbfounded.

The Beast Titan stood in the middle of the curve, its red eyes glowing brightly. Beside it was a titan on all fours, one they've never even seen before. It looked too conscious and aware to be another mindless titan, and it wore a collection of crates on its back.

The Beast picked up a large boulder, throwing it directly their way.

"Boulder incoming! Get down!", Erwin hastily ordered, and they all watched it close in, desperately trying to calculate where it was heading. It seemed to not be aimed at the Scouts standing on top of the wall, rather falling down towards the wall itself, perfectly landing in the breach of the gate that was yet to be sealed.

"D-did he miss?", one of the squad leaders asked Erwin.

"No.. that was a good aim". Connie, Sasha and Jean looked down and noticed the hole now filled with large debris. "He plugged the entrance. Now the horses can't pass. They'll aim for the horses and surround us in order to block our escape and annihilate us here... We're both hoping for the same thing; To settle it here once and for all", Erwin reached for his blade. "Which side will live?! Which side will perish?!". Behind them, the Armoured Titan finally started getting up from the ground... Some mess they were in right now...

"Erwin... He's gonna climb up", Levi said, referring to Reiner on the other side. His hands hardened to help him penetrate the wall. As his fingers and toes finished the hardening process, he started sprinting towards them.

"All troops! Avoid clashing with the Armoured Titan! Stay away from him!", Erwin ordered loudly. He kept his hard gaze on the Beast, examining its movements to try and see if he could figure out some sort of counter attack.

"What's it doing now?", Sasha whispered, making both Jean and Connie look away from Reiner now climbing the wall.

The Beast had grabbed one of the smaller titans, getting into its throwing position before sending the titan flying their way. Immediately after, it did the same with seven more titans.

"What is it doing? Most of them will die from that altitude—", Levi mumbled, watching as one Titan after the other crashed against the ground and houses inside Shiganshina. Some of them stood up after a short while, while at least five of them stayed down; not moving while steam seeped up from their napes.

"You're right... Dirk and Marlene, go kill the ones still standing and report back to me!"

"Roger that Erwin!". They aimed their focus back at the Beast, who to their relief seemed to be done throwing Titans. But the relief was short lived.

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