General info before reading

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Welcome to my second ever published fic! If you haven't already, feel free to check out my completed Marco x Reader fic! And if you come from that fic, I'm happy you're interested in reading more of my work!<3

Just so that it's mentioned, the characters will be slightly aged up since I general feel like they act and talk way too 'maturely' to be 15 years old lol. So when we start at the end of the S3 part (year 850), the 104th members, as well as you, are 17:)

And just like my other fic, this one will be as inclusive as possible and exclude any kind of specific description of appearance as long as it's avoidable (for example any descriptions of blushing, skin tones, hair type etc). Of course if I slip up some time, be sure to give me a kind heads up and I'll be sure to go back and change it!:) But I didn't have any issues with slip ups like that on my other fic, so I'm sure it won't be a huge possibility.
And lastly I just want to say the reason I've put 'fem reader' in the title is because I'll be using she/her pronouns when other characters addresses the 'reader', as well as describing 'reader' with more typical female-assets. But as long as you're comfortable with that, it doesn't really matter what you identify as and such; everyone's welcome here🙌🏻💕

I hope you'll enjoy this fic<3 And with that, I wish you happy reading!


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