Chapter 3

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Roman leaned down, his breath on my neck and his lips tickling the tiny hairs on my ear, as his husky voice filled my ears and caused a shiver to run down my spine.

"Miss me, doll?"

Stepping back to create a more appropriate distance between us, I used my palm to push back on his hard chest when he tried to step forward.

"What the hell are you doing here?"

I was surprised by the fact that I hadn't seen him in two years since he was drafted into the NBA. And for a time, I didn't think he was ever coming back, and yet, here he is standing before me.

His appearance had changed dramatically. Not that he wasn't already athletically built before, but he's definitely been working out.

His all black tuxedo was tailored to fit every bicep, tricep, torso, and calf. My hand had felt the proof of how hard he's been training.

I stared into his deep blue eyes, trying to process the fact that he was really here. All the feelings that had been long pushed into the back of my mind resurfaced, memories of me as a child wishing he would notice me.

He simply smirked, resulting in a reminder of how easy he could make my heart skip a beat. He raked a tatted hand through the waves of his thick black hair, his eyes focused on my dress.

"I see you got my gift," he said lowly, his tongue flickering over his pink lips in a way similar to a hungry lion eyeing its prey.

"Wait, what?" I wasn't sure if I had heard him correctly. "You're the one who bought me this dress?"

His smile stretched. "You look utterly breathtaking, doll." He took a breath, as if restraining himself from saying or doing something he may or may not regret later.

"How--How did you know my size?" I stammered, taken aback by the unexpected revelation.

He shrugged. "Lucky guess, I suppose."

I doubt it.

"You still haven't answered my question," I reminded, bringing my attention back to the reason I even allowed this conversation to go on for this long. "Why are you here?" There was no mistaking the bitterness in my tone.

"Why should I answer your question when you still have yet to answer mine?"

"I can't miss someone I don't care about," I retorted. Which was a lie, because he hasn't left my mind since the day he left for Chicago. "Now, answer the question."

"I see some things haven't changed," he commented, making note of my attitude, which only ever comes out when he's involved. "Unfortunately, my reasoning for coming back doesn't concern you, doll. And don't think I came back for you, because I didn't."

"Don't worry," I said with a cross of my arms. "The thought hasn't even crossed my mind."

He stepped forward, closing the gap between us. His breath became my breath as my struggle to breath intensified. I was feeling hot all over, the memory of that night painting a vivid picture in my mind.

"So you're telling me that you don't remember the kiss we shared the night I was drafted?"

I remember it well. It was a day I would never forget, even if I wanted to. Especially because right after we kissed, Preston confessed his feelings for me later that night.

And we have been attached to the hip ever since. And I'm sure Roman knows that, or else he wouldn't be so boldly flirting with me with his brother, my boyfriend watching just feet away.

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