Chapter 11

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Three weeks later
I've been avoiding Roman like the bubonic plague. Partly because of what happened in his suite a couple of weeks ago, and mainly because I've been officially engaged to Preston for almost three weeks now.

It wasn't as difficult a decision as I initially thought. What I had with Preston wasn't just history, but love, real love.

And what I had with Roman was nothing but a desire to have sex. Which is why he's in the past now, and Preston is the future I've chosen to focus all of my energy on.

I kissed Preston's chest, his eyes opening at the feel of my lips on his skin. "Good morning." I smiled up at him, always having loved watching him sleep.

"Good morning," he rasped, leaning down to kiss my forehead. The pad of his thumb caressed my cheek, his lips curled up into a grin. "I'm all yours today, baby. What would you like to do?"

I pulled away from his touch to shift upright, my thighs straddling his waist. "As much as I'd love to spend the entire day with you, I can't. I'm taking that Life Drawing class today, remember?"

"The one where you draw some random dude naked?" I nodded. He grabbed my hands and guided them down his torso. "If you want to draw someone naked, then draw me. I would be happy to be your model."

"I'm sorry baby, but you're not a model. And besides, there wouldn't be any painting going on and you know it."

"Well okay, you got me there." He flipped us over so that I was now under him. I wrapped my legs around his waist as he pleaded for me not to go. "Don't go," he mumbled, planting sweet kisses all along my neck and shoulders.

"It will only be an hour or two. I'll call you when I'm done."

He sighed. "Alright, but don't be long. We have to meet with my parents for brunch today."

"Right. I almost forgot."

I didn't forget, but I was hoping he would. Now that we're engaged to be married, you would think Mrs. Haywood would finally give us a break. But that's not going to happen. I know her. As soon as we sit down at the table she's going to bombard me questions about babies. And I am not looking forward to that.


I walked into the classroom filled entirely of other artists also interested in the human body.

I took the open seat in the front, a large easel standing before me along with a fresh blank canvas. I eyed all of the art supplies I would need and nodded in approval.

"Are you excited?" A brunette sporting a pixie cut asked from the right of me.

"Yeah, I am." I was more than excited. I was ecstatic. Classes like these fill up fast, so I had to sign up months in advance. "How about you?"

"Oh I'm very excited. I was waitlisted for months until someone backed out this morning." She chuckled, the sound encasing me in warm. "Lucky me, right?"

I turned my attention back to the front of the room when the art teacher walked in. "Good morning class. I am Mrs. Dubois. And today you will all be participating in a Life Drawing involving a special nude model." She smiled wide the wrinkles in her skin more defined. "My son is a huge fan as am I. So please show some respect and wait until after the class has ended to ask for a picture or autograph."

I was so confused. All of the models are usually professionals, so what's so special about this one? Mrs. Dubois can't seem to stop smiling like a high school girl with a crush as she adjusts her beret.

Gasps and murmurs sound throughout the room like the matrix, women giggling and fanning themselves.

I tear my gaze away from Mrs. Dubois, my eyes zeroing in on this special someone who will be modeling for us.

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