Chapter 1

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"I love you Rai, but can you please just pick a damn dress already," my bestfriend Mahlik yelled from within my bedroom.

"I'm trying!" I shouted back, growing frustrated by the minute. I've tried on every dress in my closet, and not a single one has made me feel as bad a bitch as I want to be for tonight's banquet.

Giving up, I stepped out of the mint green dress, put back on my robe, and returned to my bedroom where Mahlik had been left waiting for the last two hours.

"Thank God," he said, releasing an exasperated sigh and standing to his feet. He paused, his chestnut brown eyes raking over my attire in confusion. "Please tell me you finally decided on a dress."

"Nope," I admitted, shrugging my shoulders in defeat. "I've given up."

"Sometimes I really want to strangle your ass. But I can't, because then my black ass would be behind bars. And then my black Mama would kick my black ass because not only did I put my hands on a woman, a black woman to be more specific, but I became a stereotype."

I rolled my eyes, grabbed the clothes I had on earlier and went into the bathroom to get dressed.

He can be so dramatic sometimes.

When I came back out, Mahlik was leaned against the door, his eyes glued to his screen. And he didn't look very happy.

"You okay?" I asked him, concerned.

He looked up from his phone and nodded. "Yeah." Smiling, his dimples make a reappearance. "I have to go, but I'll see you tonight aight."

I nodded, watching him salute me before taking his leave. I knew something was up, and that whatever he was looking at on his phone really upset him.

I hope he's okay.

The sound of my phone ringing pulled me from my thoughts, and I reached into my back pocket to retrieve my phone.

I stared at the caller ID for a moment, seeing that it's my boyfriend Preston. Answering the phone, I pressed the cool device up to my ear.

"Hey babe. What's up?"

"You forgot, didn't you?"

I pause, searching my brain for what I possibly could have forgotten. And then it hits me.


I totally forgot that I was supposed to meet up with his parents for brunch. I had been so busy trying to find a dress for tonight's banquet that it completely slipped my mind.

"Damn babe, I'm sorry." I sighed, shaking my head in disappointment.

I'm a very forgetful person so in order to remember things, I make sure it's in my phone and planner. But even that didn't work this time.

Thankfully, his parents have known me since I was a little girl, so I don't think I'll receive any criticism for standing them up. But even so, I still feel bad.

"How can I make it up to you?"

"No, it's alright," he says with a sigh. "I'm sure you have a valid reason."

Not really.

I bit my lip. I'll sound like a spoiled brat and asshole if I tell him that I spent my time trying on the plethora of dresses in my closet.

But I'll sound like an even bigger asshole if I tell him that I ditched him for Mahlik earlier.

The three of us have been friends for as long as I can remember. But at times, it's hard to make time for the both of them without having one third wheel the other.

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