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Nico POV

"Sleeping beauty wakes." Will smirked. I grunted in reply. Last night came back to me in a rush. The nightmares. Waking up for the first time in two days. Falling back asleep. In Will's arms. My face started to flame, a relatively new experience for me. I was barely used to spending time around other people, let alone having them embarrass me. The son of Apollo laughed at my red cheeks.
"What?" I snapped, harsher than I meant to.
"Nothing," he spat back at me, sunny mood turning sour instantaneously. 
"I was gonna ask you if you wanted food, but you seem to be in a bad mood. Oh wait, I forgot. You're a son of Hades. You're always in a bad mood. I shouldn't have said anything." I opened my mouth to attempt to apologize, but he storms away before I get the chance.

I turned over, looking over at the nightstand/table like thing next to me. On it was a sandwich, the food Will had mentioned earlier. It was lettuce and tomato, with turkey and bacon on it too. I reached a shaky arm out to get it, and took a bite. Huh. It was actually pretty decent. And oddly, it didn't taste of sunshine, the way I had expected everything Apollo kids touched to taste. I devoured the remainder of the BLT, wondering when the heck I had last eaten. 

Will POV

Ugh. That idiot. How dense is he? It's like he has no idea that other people have feelings or that they can be hurt. I bet he tries to be as aggravating as possible. To busy with my silent Nico rant to watch where I was going, I ran into Annabeth. Still angry, I grunt my apology. "Whoa. What got into you? You're acting like Nico." She comments. I just scowl and turn away, storming off into the woods. 

That was the last thing I needed to hear. Like Nico? I, Will Solace, was like Nico di Angelo? Nope. Not possible. He was a sulky, self absorbed, stuck up brat. I, on the other hand, actually had an ounce of human decency! When people said hi to me, I actually greeted them back! Totally foreign concept, huh Nico. Caring about other people? Count you out. You just wanted them to pity you and your dead sister. Life must be so hard, living in the Underworld. I bet you spent your whole time in Elysium, punk! 

Nico POV

Why did I stay here? The few friends I thought I had couldn't care less if I stay or leave. Might as well go. I haven't tried to shadow travel yet , but I bet I could. I feel strong enough. Slipping out of bed, I got my Stygian iron sword off the bedside table and slipped into the shadows forming on the wall.

I thought I was prepared. Turns out I wasn't. The tormented screams of the damned souls called out to me , in inviting me to join them. To let go of my confusion and doubt and just live with them , in pure , unadulterated anguish. I could just forget everything , yet remember it all. Feeling, being , existing as only pain and agony. These afflictions will be the death of me, but it doesn't make sense. I'm already dead. I'm dead in every sense of the word. I may be breathing, but those breaths don't come without a price. Their cries became too much for me. I was too weak to resist it. I try to claw my way back into the world of sunlight and people, out of the clawed grasp of these demons, but I can't think strait. I jumped out of the shadows as fast as I could, landing in the first place I thought of. It also happened to be the closest. A place almost deserted, but still in the real world. A place occupied with monsters, but they couldn't be any worse than the ones in Tartarus. A place I had spent most of my time when I was at Camp Half Blood. The forest. I fell out of the shadows, catching a glimpse of golden hair right before I passed out.

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