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Will POV

Oh my gods! I just kissed Nico! Nico di Angelo, Ghost King , Death Boy, the Angle Blanket. What the hell is wrong with me? Who kisses someone when they are supposed to be smashing their face in? I don't know why. Well, that's not true. He just looked so scared and helpless there on the ground. Cute too. I couldn't help it. I'm a heeler. It in my nature to protect. One minute, I was ready to tear him limb from limb, and the next I was making out with him.

 What really surprised me was that he kissed me back. But then his face when we pulled away. It was as guarded and as emotionless as usual, if not more so. There's no way I can face him again. Ugh. Why did I have to be so hasty? We may have had something. I'm finally over Jacob, my last boyfriend. Now I screwed up any chance I had with Nico. I really liked him too.

"Will! Wait!" Nico called, jarring me out of my thoughts.
"Ugh. Why do you have to run so fast?"
"Why are you here?" I asked, cautiously hopeful.
Without responding, he reached up, put his hands behind my neck, forcing my head down and kissed me. After a few moments, he pulled away smiling.
"I think that answers your question."
"So you don't hate me?" I asked.
"No, if anything I thought you hated me. You were the one who ran away remember?" Nico smirked.

Nico POV

I smirked at Will. Suddenly, all the events if tonight caught up with me, and I collapsed. Before I hit the ground, a pair of strong arms caught me. Will carried me bridal style back to my cabin.

"I'm gonna stay here tonight. To make sure you actually wake up in the morning." Will whispered quietly in my ear.
"Ok. Sounds good." I murmured.

 I was almost asleep by the time we reached the Hades cabin. I barely registered when he tucked me into bed. Will went and laid down in the bed next to mine. "You're right. This does feel like a coffin." He remarked.

"'Night Nico." And with that, I fell asleep.
When I woke up the next morning, there was an unusual smell in my cabin. With a start I relished what it was. Bacon. Fantastic, fatty, juicy bacon. We never got bacon in Camp Half Blood. We just got lean cut steak or chicken or pork. 

Don't get me wrong, I love the food here. But nothing can replace bacon. Will walked over, a tray of bacon in his hands, along with two cokes. Cans of coke.

 I remembered when I used a can of coke to try to bring Bianca back. Bianca. Probably best not to go there. Too late. 

"Hey. Why are you so down? I've never seen a person look so depressed over bacon. What's gotcha down?" Will wondered.

"Binnica," I replied. "Bad memories."
Will set the tray down and enveloped me in a hug, wrapping his arms around me as if he would never let go. I don't think I want him to let go. Feeling like a baby, I broke down in tears.
"He, he promised to take care of her. He failed me." I choked out as tears ran down my face in silent rivers. I'm learning there are different types of crying and sadness. There's an angry kind of sad. There's and quite kind of sad. There's a dejected kind of sad, just down on your luck kind of sad too. Vengeful sadness is also there too. But the worst kind is the hopeless sadness. It takes you in it's arms, filling your head with little lies, convincing you that you are a failure, you will never be good enough. They will never want you. You've been rejected again and again. This kind of sadness will slowly creep up on you. There is no warning. It builds up, over time so you don't really notice it. It kinda just takes over your life, pushing your friends away, taking the joy out of things. You start to loose focus on why you should even bother living. That's the scary part. When it gets that bad.

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