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Will POV 

"Oh Nico." I sighed as I began to rub a bruise ointment onto his cheekbone. The dark, purpling mark really stood out against his pale flesh. Gods, when did this kid get so skinny? And on my watch too? I feel really guilty now. The Ghost King flinched away from me the second my fingers touched his cheek. I used my other hand to hold his head still while I applied the cream.

I had Grover ask Juniper and some of the other nymphs for an ointment like this, for situations like this. Not this exact one, but to times when Nico is an idiot and picks a fight with someone he shouldn't have. I ran my hand over his chest, partially because that's where your magic is the the strongest and also just because Nico has a nice chest. 

I moved my hand over to his cracked ribcage. Dang that had to hurt. I sent my energy into him, bidding the bones to heal and mend themselves. Long term, this helped greatly. Short term, it hurt like Hades. Nico cried out in his sleep, which wasn't unusual, even when his bones where doing months of healing in mere minuets. 

The kid did go to hell. 

Then he was brutally captured by giants.

After that, he was in prisoned in a bronze jar for days on end, existing in a death coma, living off of nothing but pomegranate seeds. 

Even after the Argo II rescued him, the bitter taste of loneliness followed him onboard. 

After living among the dead for so long, his social skills where a bit rusty. The others didn't try to isolate him, or exclude him, but they did. Rejection from corpses and jerks is one thing. But your supposed friends? They are the ones who are supposed to stay by your side, during the good, the bad, the drizzle, the rain, the joy, but especially the pain.

Meeting Cupid was just rubbing salt in the wound. Brining up memories and feelings he didn't want to remember. Especially with an audience. Jason was cool about it, but still. That must have been antagonizing for Nico. 

I want to hug Nico, and squeeze away his pain, but I can't do that. His ribs are broken. Plus, Nico is still pretty against affection. I settled for stroking his hair, running my fingers through the bloody mess. I was going to have to make him shower later. Maybe even help him. 

Nico POV 

I was running. I had to keep running. If I stop, I die. They catch me. Game over. One way ticket to hell. Wait, wasn't I already in hell? This made no sense. Snap out of it Nico. Just keep running. Run, and you're safe. They won't catch you. You can do this. You're small and fast. Apparently not fast enough. A hand closes around my torso, yanking me off my feet. I'm thrown in a sack. I catch a glimpse of the giant's face as he pulls the top shut, cutting off my escape route. I'm jostled around in the sack until I hit something hard, and black out.

When I come to, I'm in a jar. I fit, but just barely. There's not a lot of extra space. The top is sealed, like really sealed. I feel the oxygen level plummet with each breath I take. I have no choice. I did I once before, so I can do it again. I collapse near the edge, and slowly slip into a death coma. It's a state of barely living. It's a deadly version of hibernation. Sometimes, there's a chance you may not wake up. There is always a chance you may not wake up. Every day may be your last. 

I have no water. I could have survived without food for a while, but without water, I'm screwed. The seeds I had in my pocket may fix this problem. I'm pretty sure you can sustain yourself off of pomegranate seeds. It's worth a shot. Anyway, I'm only delaying death. Life is basically just seeing how long you can delay death. It comes for everyone eventually. Death and time. Two inescapable things. One I'm so close to, it scared me. The other I'm running out of.

I awake with a gasp. My sleep blurred vision is filled with the golden boy known as Will. I need something comforting. I need condolence. I need something to chase the monsters in my head away. I need, Will. I reached out and wrapped my arms around him. Will quickly returned the hug.

"Are you Ok?" He inquired. 

With most people, I would have lied. But with Will, I just couldn't do it. I shook my head. "It huts, Will. It hurts." I wasn't talking about my injuries. 

"I know Nico. I know. I'm right here. I have you. I can't promise to make it better, but I can promise to be right by your side." Will promised. His sincerity sent me over the edge. I started sobbing. The jarring motion of the sobs hurt my still healing ribs, but Will was here. Even through just a simple hug, Will was starting to heal me. 

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