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Will POV

Nico is so snugly. It is a bit weird. You'd think he'd be really antisocial and grouchy. Well, I guess he is with most people. With me, on the other hand, it's like he's dying and the only thing that will save him is my affection. Almost as if acceptance and joy and, gods forbid I say it, love kept death at bay. Almost as if I were the only place he could find those things.
Then it kinda struck me that maybe that that is all kinda true. Nico may physically be alive, but his mental health? Gods of Olympus, that kid was a mess. Emotionally he was just as bad off, maybe worse. Maybe I really was a healer. Maybe I wasn't a failure of a demigod. Maybe I could help Nico.
But what if I couldn't? What if I broke him even worse than he is now? Who would he turn to? Through no fault of his own ( ok. That's not entirely true. He is a bit standoffish. And a jerk when he's upset or uncomfortable, but for him it's basically emotional self defense) Nico doesn't really have any people to lean on. He has nobody to trust. I don't really blame him. Rejection time and time again will leave a guy cold.
Hazel. She was his sister, wasn't she? I don't think he hated him, and I'm pretty sure she doesn't hate him. Maybe this is what Nico needs. Someone to be there when I'm not.

Nico POV

Warm was a good word to describe Will. And soft. And he smelled like sunshine. That made me realize I have no clue what sunshine actually smells like. I know it makes some people sneeze. No clue why though. Maybe they're allergic. That thought of people being allergic to Will made me laugh. Laughing hurt my ribs, but that just made me laugh harder.
Am I delirious? I began to wonder. Maybe I had lost it. That was funny. I lost my it, and I didn't even know what it was. Maybe it and I can play hide and go seek. Maybe Will wanted to play with us. I decided to ask him.
"Will? Do you want to play with it and I? We are gonna play hide and seek. I lost it, so it is gonna hide first." I informed him.
"Oh. I see." Will replied, straight faced. What a funny expression. Straight faced. His face wasn't strait. It had a nose and eye dents and lips on it. Those things made it curvy. Girls were curvy, but I didn't like girls. I liked boys. And Will was a boy. Therefore, I liked Will. I could still sorta reason, so I must not have completely lost it.
It. Where is it? I should find him. Wait. Maybe it's a girl. Is it a girl? Maybe it's really curvy too. It has no curves, but it's does. Should I be looking for it's instead?
"No." Will replied, almost as if read my thoughts.
"Dude. I don't have to read your thoughts. Your telling them to me all by yourself." He told me.
"Oh." Was all I could think of to reply.
"Nico? How much blood did you lose when you were beating the crud out if Sean?" Will asked me.
"I dunno. Ask my ribs. They are begging for attention. They keep screaming and stuffs. Attention whores. They also have very dirty mouths. They sound like Arion. Arion is Hazel's horse. He's really fast. And he cusses a lot. Like my ribs. But that's only because they are in pain. Usually only my brain cusses. My ribs are usually relatively well mannered." I explained.
Will looked at me and slowly took off my shirt. I raised an eyebrow. Well, I tried too. It didn't go very well. My face probably looked like it was spasming.
After he had me shirtless, he unwrapped the bandage from my torso, his warm hand grazing my skin and sending shivers up my spine. Once the gauze was unwound from my stomach, he took a good look at the damage Sean's foot had done. Apparently, what he saw was not good. His mouth twitched like he was trying to conceal a frown.
"There is a lot of blood soaked through here. That may be the cause of your," he gestured in my general direction, " current, um, mood."
"That, and the pain pills I put you on." He added, looking down as if this ashamed him. "I may have OD'd a bit accidentally."

Will POV

"Oh. Dat's nice." Nico commented, and promptly feel over. Had I not been there to catch him, his head would have be smashed faster than a pumpkin left behind on the day after Halloween. Especially in my old neighborhood. It wasn't the nicest place to grow up.
I carried Nico back to his bed. The one at the infirmary, not the one in the Hades cabin. I wish I could bring him to his own bed, but he was still really messed up from Sean. His ribs where a bloody nightmare. Seriously. It was like a bottle of ketchup had exploded on his chest. The skin was bruised and beat up. The cuts from his ribs ripping open his flesh where going to scar.
I laid him down on the bed as gently as I could. I changed his bandages and tucked the covers around him. I placed a soft kiss in his forehead, earning a small smile from the sleeping boy.
I leaned in the doorway, and softly said goodbye. "Night Nico. Sleep well. See you soon."

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