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Will POV

It's like he thinks its a challenge every time I ask how stupid he can be. Now the idiot has gone and shadow traveled. And failed miserably. I was walking in the forest, sulking and minding my own business what Nico falls out of the shadows, landing about 15ft away from me. He looks paler than usual, and when he fell, he was screaming before he even hit the ground. I sprint over to him. I may be angry , but I promised myself I'd take care of him. He needs someone who cares in his life. Hazel can't fill that role anymore, she's up at camp Jupiter.
When I got there , he was lying on the ground, unconscious. He looked as if someone had drained all the blood from him, leaving him as a lifeless corpse. His eyes were rolled back in his head, but they were still open, giving him an almost zombie like look to him. I checked his pulse, placing my fingers gently on the inside of his wrist. It's there , thank the gods. A steady bu-bum,bu-bum, bu-bum.
"Nico. Nico. You awake?" I slap his cheek lightly.
"I'm fine," he growls, waking up.
"Leave me alone."
"No, Nico. You're my friend, and I won't let you die on me."
"No! You're not my friend! You couldn't care less if I died! Nobody cares about me! Nobody cares." He repeated. I then did something I had never done before. I reached out and slapped him. His look of shock probably mirrored my own. "Never say that again. I am your friend, Nico. And I do care about you. If you weren't so busy pushing people away..." I never got to finish my sentence. Nico punched me in the jaw.

 At this point, I was angry and had been really stressed out lately, with no outlet in which to release it. I snapped. I grabbed his wrist, twisting it around to his back, pinning him against a tree. I punched him in the side if his head, slamming it against the tree.

"Let. Me. Go." He grunted, twisting around and planting an elbow in my ribs. Cringing as I heard a crack, Nico saw his chance and jumped toward me, knocking me to the ground. He straddled my waist and began attacking chest, hard enough to leave several bruises. When he started to target my face, I grabbed his hands to get him to stop, but in response he bit me. Hard enough to draw blood. The pain drove any logic left in my head from my mind. My only thought was make him pay. Nico's fatal mistake was sitting on my waist, leaving my legs free. I swung my left leg up and around, nailing him in the back of the head, hitting the spot i hit earlier, so it was still tender. While he was dazed, I swung my other leg around, flipping us so I was the one on top now.

Nico POV

I was pinned beneath Will, both of us breathing hard. One of his hands had a death grip on my hair, pulling hard enough to bring tears to my eyes. 

Not that I would cry. I wasn't that weak. Crying is for weak people, and I am not weak. Who am I kidding? I'm freaking weak. I used to cry myself to sleep for years. Sometimes, I still do. Crying is the only way for your eyes to speak when your mouth can't explain what broke you so badly. 

 The other was curled back in a fist, ready to strike. I closed my eyes, bracing myself, waiting for the fatal blow, but instead of a fist that met my mouth, it was lips. 

Will's lips where soft, really soft. And warm. His other hand curled around the back of my neck. My only thought was his lips on mine. We both eventually pulled away, panting and gasping for air. Emotions fled across his face. I watched Will's face morph from glee to shock to horror. He scrambled off me, turned around and sprinted off into the woods.

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