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Nico POV

Holy crap his head hurt. Nico sat up with a groan, trying to figure out where in Hades name he was.
Oh. That's right. He was in the infirmary. But why was he here?
A flood of memories rushed back to him. Going to get snacks. The fight. Sean. Beating him up, but not before Sean had for a couple good hits in.
Will had been there too, but where was he now? Nico looked around his room, one of the nice ones with a door instead of just a curtain. Will was nowhere to be found.
Fear started to take ahold of the Ghost King. Nico realized that every time he had waken up since the Earth War, Will had been there. Swinging his legs out from under the black blankets, the only ones in the hospital, The Ghost King flinched as his feet hit the cold floor. He stumbled around until he found the black slippers Will had left for him by the door. Now if only he could find Will himself.
Nico shuffled down the corridor into the main infirmary room, a room with dozens of beds and curtains around the beds and patients in every bed.
Some where close to death, so close Nico could feel it.
Most campers seemed oblivious of their proximity to death.
A small boy, shaggy red hair and freckles with the most vibrant eyes you've ever seen, was unaware that his fickle heart was about to finally quit on him. It might be for the best, though. This kid, from the cabin of Demeter, was always in and out of the infirmary. He was there for a variety of reasons: bloody noses, black eyes, scraped knees and heatstroke like most campers, although he was also in and out of here for fainting, blood clots, lightheadedness, along with other heart related issues.
Another girl, Jessica, had been starving herself too long. It was too late. Her body had been in shock so long it wouldn't absorb and digest food. Another kid wasting away from the skewed way society presents humanity.
As a son of Hades, he was used to death, but that doesn't mean he has to like it.
Nico looked at the Apollo Cabin kids. Will was nowhere to be seen.
Seeing a camper he vaguely recognized from the very few campfire sing alongs he had been too, Nico walked over to her.
"Leah right? Have you seen Will?" Nico asked, ignoring the giggles escaping the mouth of one of the injured campers from the Aphrodite cabin.
"No. Can't say I have. Don't worry. I bet you'll find him. He likes you." Leah blushed as she said the last part.
Nico's typical scowl eased a bit at the later part of her sentence.
"Ok. Is there a chance he'd be in the forest?" Nico blushed as well.
"Yeah. He likes the trees. Good idea. Go check there. Good luck!" She called as Nico walked out.
He hurried outside into the sunlight, blinking as he stumbled in the blinding light.
Panicking, Nico saw a figure walking towards him, backlit in white light. But that can't be happening. He wasn't dead. He couldn't be. This only happened in the movies Hazel and the rest of The Seven had described to him.
Oh. Nico realized. It was just Percy walking with the sun behind him, Annabeth a couple steps behind.
The blonde was buried nose deep in a Greek architecture book, columns and support beams specifically.
"Hey." Nico slurred. It was still too bright to be friendly. "Sun's nice today."
"Oh. You like the sun? Just not the water. Ok. Guess its just NOT YOUR TYPE!" Percy yelled, throwing his hands up as he stormed away, grumbling under his breath.
Annabeth rolled her eyes.
"Ignore him. We all do." She smiled. "His ego is just a bit..bruised. To be honest, he kind of needed it."
Half of Nico's mouth tilted up in a tired smile.
"Good old Seaweed Brain." The blonde shook her head.
"Yeah." Nico agreed, before asking, "Have you seen Will? I can't find him."
"Can't say I have. I'll keep an eye out though." She smiled.
"Thanks," Nico grunted.
"Ok. I have to go find Percy, wherever he may have wandered off to." Annabeth explained as she jogged off, looking for Percy.
Will. Where was he? Nico started to worry again. He was still alive, the son of Hades could feel it.

Will POV

Skipping a stone on the dark surface of the lake Will sighed. It felt like Nico was constantly pushing him away.
He knew he sounded like such a stereotypical boyfriend, but he didn't care. It hurt.
He didn't like being pushed away. Nobody did. But Will hated it more than most people, but he was also used to it.
The only way to save yourself was to push them away first.
Will closed his eyes, guilt tearing through him as he thought about breaking things off with Nico. Nico was his best friend. More than that. His boyfriend. His knight in obsidian armor. The highlight of his day. Every romantic cliche Will could think of, they all seemed to fit what Nico meant to him.
But what if they whereby meant to be? They where just teenagers. Everyone knows teenage romance never works.
But, this was Nico. He couldn't just leave him. Could Nico even handle him leaving?
"I don't know. I just don't know." Will answered himself with a sigh.
Maybe romance just wasn't Will's thing. Maybe Nico just wasn't Will's thing. Maybe rejection just wasn't Will's thing.
All these maybes rolled around the blonde's head, causing him to groan in frustration.
If he didn't leave Nico, Nico was going to leave him.
Somehow, someone, someday gets dumped. And the son of Apollo didn't want that someone to be him.

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