Chapter 3

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Well here's chapter 3,I hope you enjoy it I haven't edited it to well cause I'm to lazy aha but yeah it's probably going to be short and this is just a filler chapter to get the book going well here you go chapter 3... P.s I realised I don't leave gaps and like every book I read does so I'm going to fix that,go me!

I woke up tired,dried dribble on my face and realised I had my maths exam today oh great!.I quickly jumped up realising I had to be in school within a half an hour, once I finished having a shower and brushing my teeth I threw my hair in a messy bun and ran down stairs,I had no time for breakfast so I grabbed an apple and ran out the door.My family had already left the house because they had an appointment and my brothers already left for school only my sister was home and she would be fast asleep knowing her. I called out when I got to the door "I'm leaving",waiting for a response I didn't hear the beeping of a car horn until I turned around and saw Spencer in his car "hop in" he said,I didn't think it was a good idea but I decided against it and hopped in.

We arrived at school in about 5 minutes considering we lived next door to each other and we lived about 10 minutes from school but me walking would take me about double that time or more which would've caused me to be late so I'm glad he offered to give me a lift.after saying bye I walked to my locker and organised which books I would need,then I started to think I shouldn't like him,why do I like him no boy ever looks in me other than a friend which sucked cause I'm never anyone's first choice either.

I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't hear someone yelling out words I couldn't even understand until I was barged so hard I hit the ground,I muttered to myself "could this day get any worse",I jumped up and was immediately pushed back down again this time I said trough clenched teeth "yes I guess it can".a single test fell down my cheek but I wiped it away and was about to get up when a hand was infront of my face,I looked up to see Spencer with his hand out ofcourse I took it and straightened my clothes."thanks" was the only thing that came out of my mouth it's not like I knew what else to say,he just grinned at me and was about to say something else until Stacey ran to him and have him a kiss I flinched at the site and dropped my head "I'm been looking for you everywhere"she said like she owned him. I stood there awkwardly while they talked,well might I say she talked he listened. I just turned and walked away I heard footsteps following me I turned around thinking to see Spencer but it was none other then Stacey my fake bestfriend which is my new nickname for her.

"Why did you walk away" she said with an amused tone in her voice,"well I didn't want to interrupt in yours and Spencer conversation,well more like your conversation" I whispered the last part and hoped she didn't hear me unfortunately I don't have the best whispering skills,"what did you just say to me" she said offended,"well I guess it's just that when 'you's' were talking I didn't hear words from him only from you and him listening more or less".she just stormed off and I had to hold back a laugh.

The rest of the day past by quickly to which I was thankful for because I did not want to have another run in with Stacey,I was walking home with my ear phones in casually singing and not really focusing on walking home when I heard someone snickering behind me,I whipped around to see no other than...

Woo chapter three is finished,i don't know how long this chapter actually is cause it's hard to tell on my phone so I hope you enjoy it and hopefully I'll update soon
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