Chapter 12

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In the hours that I kept thinking about what happened with Spencer I face-timed Courtney and told her everything that had happened and then we just talked about random things. After that I had a shower and then just laid in bed, watched you-tube videos and ate icecream until 2 in the morning and then I fell asleep.

I woke up the next morning and it was Saturday ( I honestly don't remember what day it was before this in the book) and it was 10am. I didn't want to get out of bed but I knew I had to something productive for the day. So I climbed out of bed went into the bathroom and brushed my teeth and hair and then went downstairs, when I got down there my two brothers were leaving to go somewhere and my sister was still asleep so it was only my mum and dad who were home and they were watching TV.

I had toast and a glass of milk for breakfast and then I went upstairs to have a shower and get dressed, after I had done that it was 12pm. I decided to get what homework I had done so then I wouldn't have to worry about it for the rest of the weekend and my teacher wouldn't go off at me for not doing it. I was listening to music while I was doing that but I couldn't stop thinking about what had happened with Spencer and how awkward it was going to be when we saw each other again. My plan was just to avoid him for as long as I could and the hopefully he would forget about what happened and he would be my friend again.

Unfortunately, luck wasn't on my side because on Monday morning when I arrived at school I saw Spencer almost immediately and when he turned and noticed me he started to walk towards me so I just looked away and started to walk towards my locker and I hoped he wouldn't follow me which lucky for me he didn't. I saw Courtney when I got to my locker because hers was just a few away from mine and I got my books and we headed to our first lesson of the day which was science. Spencer was also in this class so I just made sure to not look at him the whole time and just concentrate on doing the work in the hope that time would go faster.

Finally, the lesson ended which I then had a free period so I just caught up on some work that I needed to finish and Courtney and I just talked about different things until finally it was time for lunch. We were on our way to the cafeteria when we ran into Harry and I could tell that Courtney thought he was cute so I introduced the two in hopes that they would hit it off which fortunately for me they did. I didn't have a problem with them being friends or even more than that once they got to know each other because they were both my really good friends and I had no romantic feelings towards Harry whatsoever.

Once we made it to the cafeteria we each brought some lunch, I got pizza, Courtney got a chicken burger and so did Harry, we then went and sat an available table near the doors of the cafeteria so we could avoid any drama that may erupt during the lunch break. We were all just laughing and having a good time until I looked over to the centre of the cafeteria and saw that Stacey was sitting next to Spencer and I felt a pang of jealousy rush through me but I just ignored it and continued my conversation with my friends until the break was over.

Once the bell had rung I started to walk towards my first class and just as I thought I had successfully avoided Spencer once again I heard him yell out my name, and I had no other choice but to put on my best fake smile, turn around and talk to him.

"Hi" I said in the hopes that he didn't notice how anxious and nervous I was to talk to him.

"I have the feeling that you have been avoiding me because every time I have called out or tried to talk to you, you just have walked or turned around so I'm just here to clarify to see if you are or not and what I have done to make you feel that way" he said all in one breath as if he thought I would turn around and run away which I wish I could've but I knew I couldn't just leave him in the dust about what was going on.

"Well I need to go to class right now but I'll text you after school to meet me at the park and I'll explain it to you then, as long as you're ok with waiting a few hours" I responded and I realised that I was so sick of hiding the way I felt about Spencer and I knew I needed to just tell him and hopefully he would still be friends after he completely rejected me.

"Okay sure, well I'll see you soon then" he smiled as he turned around and walked away and I couldn't help but grin and blush at how cute he looked while doing so.

I then continued on my way to my class with a happy but very nervous feeling about how Spencer would react once I told him how I felt about him.

Sorry about the wait on the chapter, I don't really have an excuse this time but I have had part of a chapter ready for a while but I just never got around to finishing it until now. I also just realised it's not very long so sorry and its not edited either haha.

Please vote on this chapter if you liked it and enjoy x.

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