Chapter 10

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Once I got to my locker I grabbed the books I needed and then rushed off to my first class. I had five classes today which went as follows:

1st- English

2nd- Maths

3rd- Science

4th Business

5th- Cooking

I didn't really like english or maths but I knew I had to go to them so that was that.

I started walking to english when Harry came up next to me, I realised I never asked him what classes he had and I wondered if we had any together. 

"Hey can I look at your timetable to see if we have any classes together?"

"Oh yeah go ahead", I looked at it and saw that we had English,Maths and Business together I was excited but also nervous because I thought that he was really cute but I was pretty sure I still liked Spencer but I guess I had to see how this would go.

I told him the classes we had together and then we both headed to English, Spencer was also in this class so I hope he didn't mind that I wouldn't be sitting with him like I normally do. We sat in the the front of the classroom on the right he sat next to the wall and I sat at the desk next to it, Spencer walked in a few minutes later and when he saw me he looked kind off upset but I wasn't sure why because he had ditched me for other people before so I didn't see why it would be such a big deal.

I just tried to focus on what my english teacher was saying but my eyes kept drawing my attention to Spencer, he was sitting up the back talking to a few of his friends and not paying any attention at all. So I just turned back to the teacher and tuned everything out.

The bell eventually went and I started to walk towards my maths class which Harry was in but not Spencer because he had swapped a course which changed his class schedule ,so I was hoping this lesson would go better than the last and that I would actually be able to concentrate. I walked in and sat near up the back and started to get my things out, Harry walked in and smiled at me and then came to sit next to me.

"Hey aren't you just so excited for math" he joked.

"Yeah I definitely am" I laughed back.

The teacher soon walked in and began writing the notes for the math we would be doing, I started to write them down when I felt someone poke me and I knew it was Harry. I tried to ignore it until I eventually gave in and turned to him and said 


"I wanted to say that you look gorgeous today" I started to blush because no one ever compliments me.

"thankyou, but considering im wearing a sweater and tracksuit pants I find that hard to believe".

"Well that style is working for you then love" he said, he was so charming and cheesy but I liked it.

"Oh stop it haha" I nervously answered then turned my attention back to the maths work and started doing it.

After maths I had a break to eat food so I went to the usual spot that my friends and I ate, and met up with my friend Courtney, we were really close in the group and she had became my bestfriend after everything that happened with Stacey. 

We talked and ate our food and then we looked over to where Jay-Lee was sitting and she was complaining about something which she had been doing a lot of lately and I think it was starting to irritate everyone a little. After I finished my food a few of my friends and I all went to the bathroom like i'm sure most teenage girls do and then the bell went shortly after for the third class of the day which was Science.

Courtney and I were both in this class and I liked it besides a few things. In the class we pretty much copied notes and talked about the topic we were learning about, Spencer was also in this class and after the conversation Harry and I had this morning I was so confused about my feelings for Spencer.

I turned around to look at him and he smiled and mouthed 'hey' to me and I did it back, I could tell by the butterflies in my stomach that I must still have feelings for him but I just ignored them and continued with the notes. Courtney and I just talked after we finished the notes until the lesson ended. 

The rest of the day went by so quickly which I was thankful for because I just wanted to get home and relax and then do my homework if I felt like it. I decided to walk home instead of asking for a lift off someone and I also wanted to get the exercise. Once I got home I took my shoes off and went up to my room and jumped on my bed and just laid there for awhile until my stomach grumbled and I realised I needed food. I went back downstairs and into the kitchen to find something to eat, I was searching when I heard someone knocking at the door. None of my family were home yet so I was a little scared to answer just incase it was some kidnapper trying to come and get me but I did so anyway.

When I opened the door Spencer was on the other side, I breathed a sigh of relief and laughed.

"What are you laughing at" he asked.

"Oh I just thought that maybe you were some kidnapper trying to get me" I felt silly for saying that but it was a reasonable thought.

"No its just me, I was wondering if you wanted to go to the movies with me because theres this new one out and I don't want to go alone" I wanted to go but I didn't think it was a good idea so I tried to make some excuse up but failed miserably.

"I would but I am really hungry and if I went to the movies I would die from no food consumption" 

"I'll buy you food before we go if you want" he chuckled because of my over exaggeration  and he knew that I would never say no to free food so he won this time.

"Fine ill go get ready just wait down here" I said and then went upstairs to find something to wear.

Finally another update, it has been so long since I did last and im so sorry for that. I should actually be doing schoolwork but who does that these days aha. I hope you enjoy this and if you do please vote and comment your thoughts because thats very helpful so I know if continue this book and if anyone is enjoying it so far xx.

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