Chapter 6

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Hay guys heres another chapter I realised the way my book is set out makes it hard for people to read so im going to try to write it like all the books I normally read to make it easier for everyone to read this book.

Thanks guys :)

I groan not really feeling like dealing with him right now,"can we do this later Spencer" I sighed because I know he won't give up unless I talk to him first.

 "Id prefer if we talk now considering I don't even know what I did wrong" by now we have drifted abit away from the group so they cant hear us which is a good thing ,I just don't want to even deal with this right now because Spencer likes someone new which I know is definitely not me so I don't know what im expected to do about it.

  "What is there to even talk about anyway" I complain but I know what hes going to say.

"You know what there is to talk about Imogen,we were talking last night and then you just walked out and I don't know why you did that,did I say something wrong because I don't remember me doing that" he had a look of hurt and disappointment over his face which upset me.

"Its just that I was really tired and I felt like I was going to pass out that's all so I just had to get home" I lied and surprisingly I sounded like I was telling the truth.

He eyed me suspiciously before saying "Ok well if anything is wrong make sure you tell me because I don't want to lose such a good friendship over something so small and stupid because you mean a lot to me".

My heart fluttered at the compliment but I knew it was just friendly and nothing more but I put on a happy face and said "I feel the same way" I smiled.

But more than that,but you will never know.

"Come here you" he smiled with open arms and I obliged, I hugged him and snuggled my head into his chest and he put his arms on the small of my back, my heart was beating at the sudden touch but I hope he couldn't tell.

Spencers P.O.V

Hugging her was amazing, I felt her heart beating fast but I didn't know why and my heart was doing the same but I hope she couldn't tell because I knew she would never like me in anymore than a friend way and I was pretty sure she had feelings for her bestfriend Oscar which really sucked but I knew I shouldn't even be thinking this way because im still dating Stacey.

Someone cleared their throat making us both jump away from each other in an instant.

Speak of the devil it was Stacey,I rolled my eyes before turning to face Stacey,she looked really mad but I didnt care to be honest.

"Can we talk please"

"I guess so"

Imogen was standing there awkwardly,I could tell she felt uncomfortable.

"In private"she scowled at Imogen and she quickly shuffled away with a red face.

"Why have you been avoiding me for these last few days,have I dont something to upset you or make you angry"she shyly asked.

"No ive just needed space to think about things"I said slowly making sure she understood.

"Think about what things exactly" she sounded nervous and I knew it wasnt going to end well when I broke up with her.

"Us" I stated simply.

"What about us" she looked like she was on the verge of crying,so I knew I shouldnt do it here.

"Ill give you a ride after school and we can talk about it somewhere private".

"Ok"she said and walked away without saying another word,I knew she already had figured out what I was going to say to her and I knew it would crush her but I had to do it".

This chapter doesnt involve what I said I was going to put in it but I promise ill put all that in the next one.

Sorry I havent updated in forever but I have been really busy with school and just life so yeah.

Hope you enjoy :)  p.s hasnt been edited.

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