Chapter Fifteen: Fight

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          When we got to Sokovia, Pietro ran to alert their law enforcement to get the city to clear out. Wanda used her powers to invade everyone's minds and get them in an orderly fashion to evacuate. Thor was going to the base with Dr. Banner to find Black Widow. Hawkeye was going to stake out the city for us. The fight is going to stay between us to protect the people of Sokovia. Captain America and I were guiding the streets and cars over the bridge. Some people ran on foot to get to safety. Iron Man went to meet Ultron somewhere in the city. Suddenly, robots were emerging from everywhere, even underground.

          "Uh," I said and pulled my Colts, "Cap?"

          "Let's go, Schnee," he said and threw his shield at a bot behind me.

          "Love to," I smiled and jumped into some fun.

          I jumped into a road full of robots and started shooting. They had also evolved. After the first wave, I was reloading with the second wave approaching.

          "So," Pietro rushed and stopped beside me, "when will I get another kiss?"

          I scoffed and avoided a blast from a bot, "Still asking?"

          "You know you want to," he teased and ran into the second wave, destroying all of them, before coming back to me.

          I sighed, "I had that covered."

          He quickly took my personal phone and put his arm over my shoulders for a selfie, "Smile!"

         I allowed a small smile and he tossed me back my phone before running off. I tucked my phone away and kept running to find more robots to destroy. As we fought, the ground began to shake and part of the city was being lifted off from the surface.

         "Is anyone else seeing this?" I yelled over comms and pulled civilians away from the ledge.

          "Friday?" Iron Man asked.

          "Sokovia is going for a ride," she said, almost sounding scared.

         We were being lifted to a terrible height already and the buildings along the ledges began to crumble and fall. We were becoming a meteor. According to Friday, if we fell to the Earth at a high height, it could mean global extinction. Our mission now was to destroy every last one of these robots to prevent Ultron from escaping. I ran to the bridge and saw Cap being thrown backwards into the front windshield of a car. I grabbed his hand and pulled him out.

          "You good?" I asked.

         He brushed his hand against my cheek, "You better use up that blood. I doubt you'll need it again."

          I looked at my belt and back to him, "I'm borrowing your shield."

         I drank everyone's blood samples at once and picked up Cap's shield. Jumping down, I cracked my neck a bit. Still jumping in place, I didn't notice Pietro watching and I shook out my wrists. Gotta focus on the mutation and blood in me. Captain America first, then Hawkeye. In a second, I shifted into Captain America and started to take down all the robots in the area. I knew I couldn't stay as him for long once I was done here and I forced myself to shift back. While running, the mutation melted off and I jumped on a car to jump onto a flying robot overhead.

          "Turn," I cried out, "turn, turn! You hunk of metal!"

         I got thrown off and Pietro caught me, "You didn't see that coming?"

         I laughed and he dropped me off on a building rooftop, "This is familiar."

          "No kiss?" he pouted.

         I drew the bow from Hawkeye and shifted into him as I aimed an arrow, "No."

          He put his hand over his heart and acted wounded as he ran off. Hawkeye has incredible sight but he was deaf. As him, I was able to take down a lot of airborne robots in the sky. I saw Thor and Cap needing help by the bridge and I jumped on another robot to get to them. This time, I stabbed it with an arrow and jumped down to land by tucking and rolling. As I shifted back, I decided to shift into Thor and together we fought using the hammer and Cap's shield.

          "Schnee," Ultron said and grabbed me, even as Thor, "you're bothering me."

          He dropped me in the church and we began to brawl together. Even as Thor, Ultron was incredibly strong. The real Thor flew to me and helped me fight. The device in the church is ready to go into reverse, sending our meteor to Earth below. Friday and Iron Man came up with a solution but it would vaporize the city with everyone else on it. I was thrown back and skidded across the ground. Holding my stomach, I worried if shifting was going to affect my baby. I shifted back and sat up in the clumps around me. Pulling out my phone, I opened it to Bucky but couldn't bring myself to hit the dial button. Suddenly, Fury's voice surprised us all on the comms.

          "Fury?" I asked.

         The massive helicarrier from 2012 was operating and I heard Agent Hill over the comms. From the ship, evacuation hovercrafts came out and Pietro picked me up to run and meet it.

          "You need to go," he insisted.

          "I'll kiss you if I stay and fight," I offered.

          He didn't waste a second, "You need to fight then."

          We worked with the team to load up the civilians to the hovercrafts. Over the comms, another friendly voice greeted us. It was War Machine. Over comms, Thor needed help to defend the church and Pietro picked me up to go back.

          "You're bleeding," I said and touched his wound.

          "Ow," he winced, "I am."

         "Race you," I teased and shifted into him after tasting his blood.

          "You're so on," he grinned and we both began to destroy the bots around the church.

          As our team worked around the church together, my mutation began to wear off and I took cover with Wanda inside. Outside, Vision, Iron Man, and Thor were using their powers to stop the main Ultron robot. Hulk punched him well across the city. Other robots began to flee the city so Vision and War Machine went to stop them. Wanda was staying behind with Thor and Iron Man to protect and then destroy the device. Hawkeye, Black Widow, Captain America, and I were going to look for any stragglers left behind and evacuate. Pietro promised to come back for Wanda when it was time and she ordered him to help with evacuating the hovercrafts. Black Widow went to get Hulk and turn him back to Dr. Banner. I joined Hawkeye on a boat and overheard a wounded and frantic mom.

          "Costel!" she whimpered, "We were in the market."

          I saw him, stuck across the courtyard. Hawkeye couldn't hear her but I knew he saw the movement. I put my hand over my stomach and took a deep breath. Everyone goes home. It's my job to protect people. My feet ran as fast as they could to get him. I didn't know Hawkeye was behind me.

          "Costel," I said gently and opened my arms to him, "come on. It's ok."

          He let me pick him up and I saw Hawkeye walking to me. I heard the jet and saw the gunfire raining down from the Quinjet above.

          I smiled and mouthed to Hawkeye, "Catch!"

          I threw the boy at him and I covered my head with my hands as I tucked down to the ground. The incoming bullets reminded me of World War II and Bucky. Bucky, I'm so sorry. I squeezed my eyes shut and waited for the end nearing me. A gust of wind hit me instead and I looked up as the dust cleared. In front of me was Pietro. 

Rose Sinclair Barnes in Age of Ultron | A Bucky Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now