
978 20 14

Allright guys! I fekked up big time! I had almost the entire next chapter all written out and was literally going back into the document to finish it (like 20 minutes ago) I'm not entirely sure what happened but the entire thing disappeared and now I have to start over.

I apologize profusely and I'm sorry for the wait. I'll get back into it as quickly (but efficiently) as I possibly can!

Sosososososoooooo sorry guys.  Gimme till Monday! Since I wrote it out once I should be able to remember most of it .

Love ya guys!
Sry again.

Ps!!! This is Sunday I'm writing this part. It will be another couple of days. I apologize once again,  but I woke up this morning with an ear infection (super painful and I've never had one before) I can't get my antibiotics till tomorrow and I've done nothing but sleep since I got back from the ER. Anyway,  I'll get it done as soon as I can, but for now you'll have to wait a moment longer.

Love and peace!

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