Chapter 1

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-Agent Eva Lane-

"Come out come out wherever you are" the mans creepy voice called out to me.
I looked from my hiding space over to my partner. She was hidden behind a stack of boxes.
We were currently on a mission, tracking down a murderer. He had led us on a chase for three days now. My team had finally pinpointed where he was hiding. Scarlet and I had gone ahead of the swat team. Every thing was going perfectly until, scarlett's earpiece fell out and pulled her hair with it. She had squealed and he spotted us.
This led to him immediatly pulling out his pistol, and shooting around the room.
We found our hiding places and had been watching and hiding since.

My eyes met Scarlet's and we nodded our heads.
I spoke into my mini mic, my voice had barley any noise.
"Thomas, send the team in now, murderer 2654 is in the main room of the warehouse. He is armed with a small pistol. Scarlet and I have eyes on him."
"Rodger that incoming in 2" he responded and it was quiet again.
I nodded to Scarlet once more. She understood my message, we both ducked and covered.
"Come on out little girls" was his last words before the swat team let their gun fire rain through the room.

When it stopped, I walked out of my space. They hadn't fired actual bullets just sleeping darts. At least thats what I call them. They are really just little needles full of sedative.
I handcuffed the man and Scarlett drug him accross the ground out to the trucks.

"Good work agent" Thomas praised.
"Thank you sir" I thanked him.
"Meet back at headquarters in 2 hours" he demanded and left.

"Hey Scar great job" I smiled. We did our handshake; hip bump, fist bump, girly hug.
"You to Ev, hey I'll see you tomorrow morning bright and early."
"Ok, wait you did pick up the dress right" I yelled.
"Come on Eva like your maid of honor would forget the dress" she chuckled.
"Your going to pick it up now aren't you" I questioned.
"I choose not to answer without my lawyer present,"she answered sheepeshly" with that said I must be off, theres this dress I need to pick up for my crazy friends wedding, not yours but you know".
I laughed at her,"your a dork Scar, I'll see you tomorrow morning"
She smiled and we hugged"good luck on your last night of being a bachlorett" she called.

We both waved, I got in my white Pangani Huayra. (It's a 1.3 million dollar sports car for those of you who don't know.)

I drove from Tennesee, to Florida. I live in Florida and that is where my headquarters are.
When I got there I parked in the safe garage and locked up my car.

Hurridly, I ran to Thomas office. He flew his jet back so I knew he would be there.

"Hi I'm checking in but I need to go, my wedding is tomorrow" I dramatically said.
"Agent Lane, even though you are leaving the FBI I want you to know that you will always be part of our agent family here. If you ever need anything and I mean anything dont hesitate to give us a call. Oh and if you ever even utter a word about what you have seen or heard for these past couple years of working with us you will be placed in prison for life. On a happier note I will see you tomorrow to walk you down the aisle" my dad Agent Thomas said.
I smiled at him. "Heres my badge, my gun," he looked at me with his eyebrows raised,"ok fine". I pulled out three more guns "guns, and my keys for my cars".
He smiled at me "alright see you tomorrow dear".
"Bye dad see you tomorrow" I yelled and ran outside.

My everyday car was parked outside. It was a black Toyota highlander.
I got on the highway and drove home.
I had an FBI car so it drove for itself while I changed into a business dress suit. I packed away my gear and took control of the car again.

"Honey im home' I called out when I opened the door.
Dean walked out from the kitchen brushing his hands off on his pants.
He leaned down and kissed me. "Welcome home soon to be bride" he chuckled.
"Thank you soon to be groom" I pulled him down for another kiss" what are you making" .
"I was trying to make pizzas but I only have the dough done, want to come help" I nodded and followed him to the kitchen.

When I made it into the kitchen, I saw a very big mess. Flour was all over the counter the stove the floor even the fridge.
Dean saw my wide eyes and blushed "the flour wouldn't open."
"So you massacred it" I laughed.
"Ugh ya sure"i shook my head and hugged his back. "your such a dork Dean."
We ended the night by eating chinese takeout and drinking wine. "I cant believe you burned the pizza" Dean accused me.
I blushed and we both laughed.
"This is it, tomorrow is the big day" I said and dean nodded hugging me. "I love you" he told me.
" I love you too".

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