Chapter 2

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-Dean Knicks-

"Wakey wakey girly, I have your dress and I kicked Dean out so lets do this" Scarlett woke me up yelling.

"Hey Scar" I mumble.
"What" she asks while trying to pull me off the bed.
"Yell one more thing and I will ninja flip you through that window" I threatend.
"Someones not a morning person, come on you need to get ready" she whispers.

I grumble a few unlady like words and throw the blankets off of me. When I finally stand up Scarlett hugs me.
The smile on her face is huge as she says "Im so excied for you Ev, today is going to be the best day of your life and the first day of your new adventure."
I hug her back, we pulled apart and I said "thank you Scar, Im so happy I picked you as my maid of honor! Love ya girly."

"Alright come on lets start getting ready" she rushed me.
"I thought I was the one who was pushy and always moving what is this" I asked surprised.
Scarlett laughed at me and I smiled back, shaking my head.
Suddenly Scarlett paused. She reached her hand up to her ear and pulled out the little piece.
"Somebody would like to speak to you" she tells me impatiently "just hurry."
I nod my head and put the piece in my ear. "hello beautiful daughter."
"Hi dad" I respond into the tiny mic.
"I have two things to say one: I'm so happy for you baby and I know today will be the best day of your life, second is it safe for me to come up to your bedroom, everyone is dressed right" he said.
"Yes dad everyone is good" I giggled in response.
My door opened a minute later and my dad walked in.
"You still have bed head you know your getting married in four hours" he yelled in disbelief.
"Yes dad I know now leave so I can focus. Wait actually can you, umm get me a bowl of cheerios?" I asked.
he nodded and left.

Scarlett came out with her hair up in a perfect bun and cascading down her face.
She was holding her and my make-up bags in her hands.

She threw mine towards me, my hand reached out and caught the bag.
As I started on my make-up, she worked on my mess of hair.

When she was done with my hair she began to finish my make-up.
My hair was a waterfall braid that turned into a bun on the back of my head. There was a diamond headband placed on top of my head. Curls fell down the side of my face.

My make-up was natural, I was never one for having to much make up. Plus Dean always said he preferred the natural look.

"Ok dress time" Scarlett cheered.
It was now 2 hours until the wedding.
My dress was a mermaid dress. It clung to my body, and at my knees it spread out into a poofs of lace and beeding. The top was full of bling also. Scarlett grabbed my veil from on top of my bed. She put the little clip part on my bun.
"You look gorgeous Ev" She said a little teary eyed.
"I second that" my fathers voice came from the doorway.
He walked in and gave me a huge hug. "Your mother would have been so proud of you."
I became chocked up and couldn't say anything. My mother had died on a mission when I was 18. That was 8 years ago.
After she had died my father recruited me in her place. So for eight years I had worked for the FBI, now I was done and marrying the love of my life.
"Come on lets go, Scarlett we will meet you in the car" my dad directed.
Scarlett nodded" yes sir".

I followed him down the stairs. Almost tripping on my dress.
When I got to the bottom I put on my heels.
"Don't those hurt" dad asked.
"Dad I live by the motto of no pain not gain" I told him.
He shook his head and laughed "your an interesting one Ev."
"Love you too dad" I responded.
He held the door for me as I walked to the limo.
We both climbed in then Scarlett followed.
"Ok pick up route is Kelly, Miranda, David, Tina, Shawn then Kurt everyone clear.
The flower girl Elen and the ring bearer Gage will be with my sister Miranda and her husband David" they both nodded and the driver drove off.

Once everyone was picked up we had 20 minutes to get to the church.

The wedding party was drinking the champagne that was in the limo.
"If you guys get drunk and ruin my wedding, you will all be dead to me."
"I'm not even 18 sis, I'm not drinking" Miranda said.
As she said this, my father snatched a bottle out of her hands.
We both shook our heads and laughed.

When we finally pulled up at the church, I jumped out and ran.
Scarlett followed right on my tail. She grabbed my bouquet and threw it into my arms.
In five minutes I would be walking down the aisle.
I stood up strong and grabbed my dads arm. Tina and Kurt, Kelly and Shawn, Miranda and David, Elen and Gage, then Scarlett and Conner (Deans brother and best man) all stood lined up in front of me.
Scarlett turned around one last time and grabbed my hand. She smiled and whispered "good luck!"

I nodded to nervous to talk.
The music began to play and the wedding party walked slowly but surly.
Then the music changed to the traditional Here Comes The Bride. My dad pulled on my arm and walked me down the aisle.
I thought I would be nervous about all the people staring at me, but all I could do was look at Dean.
We held each other's gaze the entire way. When I got to him we immediately grabbed one another's hands. Our eyes remained on each other's.
The priest had just begun to speak when the doors burst open.

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