chapter 12

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-Eva and her father Thomas Lane-

After the longest drive of my life we finally made it to California. I dialed my fathers number, he didnt pick up. I tried Scarletts and it didn't work. Next I tried using the cars. It got through.
"Hello" my fathers voice answerd.
"oh my, dad it is so nice to hear your voice" I gushed. I hadn't realized how much I missed my father.
"Hello sweatheart, where are you?"
"We just arrived in Los Angeles" I informed.
"Good I will send your GPS directions follow them. We are not far" he told me.
I smiled "alright dad we will be there soon love you."
He didnt respond just hung up the phone.

A moment later the GPS blinked to life and said "turn right on......."
I tuned it out and looked at the scenery as Dean drove on the busy streets.

"We are almost there" Dean said breaking me from my trance. I nodded and sat up straighter.
He was still zig zagging through traffic, but I could see on the little screen we were close. Soon, Dean was pulling up next to a gate. He looked into a little booth on the side of the road inside was a little man with big ears.
"Ticket, name or badge" the mans monotone voice demanded. He stuck out his hand waiting for one of the three things.
Dean grabbed his badge out of the glove box. I handed him mine and he gave them both to the tiny man.
The man took a closer look, typed something in his old computer, then handed the badges back.
"One moment please" he said then closed the booth door.
A minute later he reopened the door and said "your clear please proceed slowly and cautiously."
After he closed the door for the second time the gate in front of us opened.
Dean slowly went through. After we passed through the gate I couldnt help but laugh.
Dean looked at me quesitoningly.
"I'm sorry but I think I just met one of the seven dwarfs" I laughed again.
Dean caught on and a smirk crossed his face "at least he has a day job, mining must not be working for him.'
I laughed again. This time when I laughed I snorted. Immediatly, I covered my mouth. Then laughed again. My eyes were watering I was laughing so hard.
Dean was chuckling beside me. He pulled into a parking spot. Before he could open the door I grabbed his arm. My laughing fit had subsided and I was calm.
"Dean" I began. He looked at me very seriously.
I was interrupted by a hard knock on the window. I looked above Dean's head and saw my dad.
My door was open and I was hugging my dad in no time.
Dean soon got out too, and grabbed our bags.
"This way we need to get you two inside" dad instructed.
We followed him this way and that. We went from hallway to hallway. The bunker was like a ginormous maze. I felt like a mouse that had to find its way to the cheese. Finally after many, many turns, we made it to a big room. It was like the commons room in my college dorm.
Scarlett was sitting on a couch in the middle of the room. When the door opened she turned away from her cheeto bag to look. Our eyes met and I couldnt fight the smile that crossed my face.
She jumped over the couch and we ran towards each other. It was like one of those slow motion reunion scene. Except when we finally hit each other and hugged it just hurt. We both fell back clutching our chests.
"That was stupid and painful" she said. I nodded aggreeing.
"Ya lets not do that again" I suggested.
We slowly hugged this time. We chatted for a minute or two, then Dean called for our attention.
At the door was the one and only President of the United States.
"Nice to meet you again sir" I greeted.
"You too miss Lane" he returned.
"Mr. President, what can we do for you" dad asked.
"I have recieved new information on when Mr. Putin's attack will be" he stated.
"Follow us" one of his guards said.
We walked through more of the twisting and turning hallways. It was right, right, left, right, left, left, right then the door straight ahead. On the door was the presidential seal.
"This is my office for the moment" he said as we all walked into the room one after the other.
"The walls are completly sound proof, we will be safe to talk freely in this office" My dad said.

"What do we need to know" Scarlett asked.
"Many many things my dear but I will start with the attack. One of our spies in Russia has gotten detailed information. To simplify this, The prime Minister Dimitry Medvedev, will be meeting with me. Mariya Putin will be distrcting my wife. There are still some members of the Soviet Union, who will be attending. This is the main army that Vladimir has" he said.
"How do you want us to help" Dean asked.
"I want you to think of a plan and let me know. We will need to put it into action by next week" the president finished.
"I will leave you four in here to talk, find me when you are done".
With that he got up and left the room. The door clicked shut. For a minute everyone was silent still regesturing the information.
"Alright who's got a plan" Dean spoke up.
"That is normally Agent Lanes job" my father said.
I nodded and said "well I may have an idea."
"Thats my girl" my father praised.
"Well first Dad, you are going to become the president" I started.

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