chapter 10

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-Agent Eva and Agent Dean-

We had just gotten out of West Virginia when we decided to take a pit stop.
I ran inside the gas station as Dean filled up the gas tank. The cars may be able to drive very fast but there gas milage sucked.
I was feeling sick again, so I ran straight to the bathroom.
After I got myself cleaned up, I went back out to buy a water. As I passed the section of feminine hygiene products I realized that I was late.
I ran up to the cash register as fast as I could and payed for a pregnancy test.
After three minutes of waiting in the bathroom, the test was ready. I took two deep breaths. There was a plus sign on the little screen.
I have shot people who were shooting at me, I have beaten the poop out of men, I have saved little girls from getting raped, but none of that was as scary as the feeling I felt right now. I was carrying a baby. Dean and I were going to be parents. I leaned against the sink and took three deep breaths.
"Hey Ev are you in there" Dean asked through the door.
"Yes" I shakily yelled back. I grabbed the wrapper and shoved the test inside of it. Then I threw it in the trashcan and unlocked the door. Dean came in and asked" Are you ok? Did you get sick again?"
"I'm fine Dean, I'll meet you at the car" I said and walked to the car.
I got in the passenger side and crossed my arms waiting. Dean opened the door a minute later and climbed in.
"There was a pregnancy test in that trashcan, someone is gonna be a parent" Dean said then quietly laughed.
"That sucks" I said while fake chuckling.
We drove through Kentucky then Missouri, then Kansas before we made another gas stop.
"Lets get a motel and sleep for the night" Dean suggested.
I nodded my head. He pulled into a hotel lot and ran inside to check in while I got the car situated with the valet.

"Hungry" he asked when I came inside. The bellboy was holding our bags behind me.
Dean led us up to our room and tipped the worker. I put our bags on the bed while he went to the bathroom.
"What do you feel like" he asked.
"I want pasta" I said. It sounded very good right now.
We went to dinner, ate, Dean drank, we had a good time.
When we walked the two blocks back to our hotel, Dean held my hand and everything seemed nice.

We went in the back entrance of the hotel because it was closer to our room. As the elevator opened a gun shot sounded. Deans eyes met mine and we ran for the lobby. I stopped him before he could go around the corner.
"Dean what are you doing, obviously the guy out there has a gun" I whispered.
He nodded and stuck his head around the corner.
"There are two shooters, the taller man has a women with a gun to her head. The other man is talking to a bellhop, he isn't holding a gun but there are two in his jacket" Dean informed me quietly.
I nodded and said "I'm going to get a hold of the police, then we will go out there before he shoots the girl. While I'm calling you run up to the room and get our weapons."
"Sounds perfect" he responded. Then he took off for the stairs.
I got my phone from my back pocket and dialed 911.
"911 whats your emergency" the dispatcher answered.
"Im part of the FBI I need a backup team, find my phone and get here fast" I demanded then hung up.
As I hung up, Dean came running down the stairs, slightly out of breath. He threw me a gun and I caught it.

"Alright we have eyes on you and we are armed" I yelled towards the lobby.
"Put your weapons down and let the girl go" Dean yelled.
"Come out show your faces or I will just shoot the girl now" the mans voice demanded. I heard the girl whimper and plead.
"You stay I'll go out follow when I give you the three finger sign" I whispered to Dean. He nodded and I moved.

"Here I am. Happy now?" I said to the men.
Seconds later the sound of distant sirens were heared.
"So your the sad little Officer thats threatening us" the smaller man said.
"Yes I am Agent Lane of the FBI, let the girl go she has nothing to do with this" I instructed calmly.
"She may not but you do not either, so how about we just shoot you and get rid of the problem" the bigger man threatened.
The little man started to come towards me. He thought he was sneaking up but I caught him with my peripherals.
He was about to jump me when I turned around and hit his head with the back of my gun. He fell and I put three fingers in the air.
Dean jumped out from behind a different wall. He shot the arm of the bigger guy. Luckily the man didn't shoot. He dropped the gun and grabbed his arm in pain.
I ran to the girl and pulled her out of the way. The little guy had now pulled out a gun and was shooting at me.
I shoved the girl behind the front desk, and picked up my gun.
The cops were now surrounding the building.

I shot the smaller guy in the foot. He lifted his foot and yelled in pain. He did not drop the gun, instead aimed it at my head. I heard the bang as he fired and I dove to my left. I did a summersault towards him and held my gun up.
He shot again, I rolled towards him and swiftly kicked his legs out from under him. This time he dropped the gun, while trying not to fall. I kicked it away from him.
Standing up, I stepped on the foot I shot, as he was reaching for the second gun.
He stopped reaching and grabbed his foot. I took my handcuffs out and grabbed his wrist. Once I had one held up I grabbed the other and handcuffed him around a wall handle.

The cops were pooring in now.
One came up to me and asked "are you the agent that called 911?"
"yes, and you could have come a little faster" I grumbled out.
"Sorry ma'm! good job however on this, do you know why they are here or what they were after?"
"No but he was questioning the bellhop so you may want to ask him" I said.
The officer nodded and left. I walked over to Dean.
"Are you ok" I asked him.
"Of course I am. Are you?" he responded.
I nodded once.
Throughout the night we were quesitoned. I made sure everyone was ok. Then we went to bed and prepared for another day of travel in the morning.

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