chapter 8

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-Agent Eva and Agent Dean-

I heard a knock on my door but ignored it. It did however wake me up. I got out of bed and went into the bathroom.

I hadnt had a shower in two days. It had been two days since the wedding. I was supposed to be leaving for Italy this morning. That reminded me I needed to cancel the flight. It was my dad's jet we were taking but still.

I got in the shower and the hot water came on.
After about ten minutes I got out and wrapped a fluffy, blue towel around myself.

I brushed my teeth, and hair. Then I put my hair up in a messy ponytail. I was going to do a little training in a few minutes.

I walked out to my bag that I had thrown on the desk yesterday. I got out a pair of shorts and a tank top. I quickly changed, then ran downstairs.
I ran to the gym that was a block away.
When I got there I started beating up a punching bag. I let all of my anger out on it. I kicked, hit, kneed, and elbowed it until I couldnt do anymore. Then I went into the workout area. I saw a treadmill and jumped on.
After about two hours of working out, I decided to call Scarlett.
"hewwo" she said her mouth was full of some sort of food.
"Hey Scar, we need to go dress shopping for tonight" I told her.
"Oh ya" she swallowed, "we do."
I laughed "I'm at the gym about to head back, I'll take a quick shower then we can go."
"Sounds good, Ill finish my pancakes then get dressed and ready and meet you in your room" she told me.
"Your still not ready" I said while starting my jog back to the White House.
"umm no I just got up about 20 minutes ago" she sheepishly answered.
"Wow Scar just wow" I laughed again.
"We can't all be super people who get up at 5 in the moring" she whined, while trying not to laugh.
"Scar I've been at the gym for two hours and its already 7:45. You have to be at work on a normal day at 6:30" I laughed while telling her.
"Shut up ok, I'm almost always late for work you know that" she pointed out.
"Yes i do" I responded, "I'm back just give me 15 minutes to shower and get ready."
"Sounds good bye bye" she hung up after that.

15 minutes later I was ready and waiting for her.
20 minutes later I was still waiting for her.
25 minutes later I got up off of my bed and went to her room.
When I walked in, music was blaring out of the bathroom and Scarletts voice was louder then the music.
I knocked on the door and she said "oh crap, hang on Ev I'll be out in a minute."
I just laughed and laid down on her bed.
10 minutes later she came out of the bathroom with her hair done, and dressed.
"Finally" I said.
She blushed, grabbed her phone and walked out the door. I followed closely behind.
We went to the store bought our dresses and were back within an hour.

"Hey girls are you almost ready" dad yelled through my door.
"Ready" I yelled.
"Almost ready" Scarlett said.
"Alright we are waiting out here for you" he said chuckling.

"Alright lets move" I said once we were ready.

When we walked into the ballroom, it was already packed. People were swaying to the music, getting food, or greeting the president.
"Excuse me, I'm going to go say hello to the president, you three split up and mingle" Agent Thomas said.
"Yes sir" we replied.

Scarlett went and talked to a lady who looked rich with her red dress and fur coat.
Dean went and asked a girl to dance. I got a little jealous and walked straight up to the first cute guy I saw.
"Hello" I said.
"Hello beautiful" he responded.
I was repulsed by his flirty attitude, but he had a small russian accent. I could tell he was trying to cover the accent so I stayed acting like I was interested.
"Whats your name handsome" I said with a flirty smile and my head down looking up so he could see my long eyelashes.
"Rom, what is yours gorgeous" he asked. The name game was getting old but I kept with it.
"Carrie" I said giving him a fake name.
"Nice to meet you Carrie, You know you have very pretty eyes" he complimented.
"Thank you very much" I said while slowly rubbing my hand up and down his arm.
"Would the beautiful lady like to dance" he asked his hand out towards me.
"I would love to" I placed my hand in his and let him lead me to the dance floor.
"So why are you at this ball" he questioned while we swayed to the music.
"My father was invited, and of course it gave me an excuse to by a dress" I tried changing the subject.
"You do look lovely in that dress" he said while staring at my chest.
"Thank you, you also look ravishing tonight" I complimented.
"Why are you at this ball Rom" I asked sincerly.
"My uncle asked me to come, he said it would be good for us" he answered.
"I wonder if I know him, who is your uncle" I pushed for more information.
"Thats not important, oh look they just brought out the alcohol. Would you like a drink?" he asked.
"I would love one" I said. Maybe if I could get him drunk I could get more answers out of him.
He ordered me some random drink.
"Excuse me I'll be right back" said smiling.
I walked over behind a wall and turned on my mini mic.
"Scar do you copy" I asked.
"Here" she responded.
"I think I found a suspect, he's trying to buy me a drink. Im going to need you to do the drink switch" l said.
"Got it meet you by the bar" she told me.
I walked back into the room and over to Rom. That name sounded familiar.
When I got to him he handed me my drink. I turned his attention to the crowd. Then reached behind me where Scarlett switched the cups.
The one I was now holding was just water.
"So Carrie, why dont we go to the lobby" he asked.
"That sounds wonderful, it is very hot in here" I told him.
We walked through the crowd, he held my hand and led me to the main lobby.
"So Carrie what do you do for a living" he asked.
"Right now I'm not working, I just got married and I don't want to work anymore" I said.
"For just being married your quite a flirt" he noticed.
"Its just natural for me, I've alway been flirty and when I see a hot guy it just comes back to me" I said.
He nodded once then said "So Carrie why dont you tell me your real name."
"What are you talking about" I asked.
That's when it hit me! Rom is short for Roman as in Roman Putin nephew of Vladimir.
"You know what I'm talking about dear, I have a feeling you know my real name too" he said.
"What do you mean you told me your name was Rom, were you lying to me" I dramatically took a step back.
"I dont think I was the only one who was lying" Roman responded.
Just then Dean came and put his arm around me.
"Carrie dear, we need to leave your father got a tad bit drunk and I'm worried he is going to make a fool of himself" Dean said.
"Mic was on" he whispered in my ear.
"So your name really is Carrie" Roman said.
"Yes I told you I didn't know what you were talking about" I said.
As I said this Scarlett walked over to me.
She was about to say something when she looked up and her eyes went wide.

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