chapter 11

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-Deans old friend Emily Thorne-

We left Kansas and traveled threw Colorado, then Utah.
"We need to make a pitstop in Nevada" Dean said.
I gave him a questioning look then shrugged "ok works for me."
"I need food though so I'm going to stop at this gas station" Dean added.
I nodded, I was feeling sick again and new soon it would be bathroom time. We pulled off and got everything taken care of.

Then we were off again.
"Welcome to Nevada" Dean said with one hand raised. I smiled and laughed a little bit.
"No slot machines Dean" I joked laughing.
"Darn" he chuckled.

We drove for about an hour before he pulled up at a big house.
"Come on I want you to meet my old friend" he told me pulling on my arm.
I got out of the car and walked up the front steps behind Dean.
He rang the doorbell and waited.
After about 2 minutes the door opened.

"Dean" a blonde haired women inquired.
"Hey Em how are you" Dean asked.
The Em girl opened the door farther and stepped outside. She reached her arms up and hugged him.

I stood awkwardly behind them for a moment.
Finally Dean moved backward towards me. He put his arm around my back.
"Eva meet Emily Thorne, Emily meet my fiancé Eva" he introduced us.
I stuck my hand out and she gripped it while we shook hands.
"It's nice to meet you Emily" I said.
"You too Eva, it's nice to see Dean finally moved on" she responded.
I awkwardly laughed. Emily was smiling and then suddenly spoke "oh my, please come inside, I will get some refreshments or something."

Dean pushed on my back, making me walk through the door.
"This is a beautiful home Emily"I commented.
"Thank you, I just bought it" she informed me.
"So Em I was hopping we could stay here for the night, but I don't want to intrude if you have other plans" Dean said.
"Of course your welcome here, follow me and I will show you to the guest room" she smiled and walked towards the spiral staircase.
We went up two flights and then walked down a small hallway. Emily pointed to a door on the left and said "here we are, you to get settled in and I will order us some Chinese food" she told us.
"Thank you Em this means a lot" Dean graciously said.
"Of course" she nodded and walked back the way we had come.
Dean pushed open the door and walked inside. I was right on his heels.
The first thing I noticed was the king bed. I slipped off my boots and fell on the bed face first.
It was fluffy and warm.
"I feel like I have died and gone to heaven" I moaned through the blankets.
The bed dipped beside me as Dean sat down. He took his hand and picked up pieces of my hair.
"Why don't you go take a shower then take a nap"he suggested.
I nodded and slowly got up.
The bathroom was huge. It was the size of my bedroom at home. I climbed into the jacuzzi tub and let the water surround me.

After 20 minutes I got out and put on Deans t-shirt and a pair of shorts.

"Dinners here" Dean told me when I opened the door. He was holding two boxes and two chopsticks. I sat on the bed and held out my hand.

He placed the box on my palm then sat next to me.
I turned on the tv and began flicking through the channels. I still hadn't opened my food.
Then the smell hit me. Suddenly the nausea was over powering. I threw mine on the floor and ran to the bathroom.
When I was finished, I yelled out to the bedroom.
"Take the food downstairs, its horrible."
"What's going on" Dean questioned.
"Just do it Dean" I demanded.

Four minutes later he yelled from the other side of the bathroom door "it's clear you can come out now."
I opened the door and sniffed. It seemed fine so I walked to the bed.
"What just happened Ev, Whats wrong" he asked.
"Nothing" was my response. Not wanting anymore questions I turned my back and fell asleep.

I woke up in a cold sweat. The night mare I had just had was still on my mind. The light on my phone was going off, so I looked. It was just an game notification. The time read 4:30 am.

I pushed the blanket off and opened the door slowly and quietly, not wanting to disturb Dean.

When I made it down the stairs, I opened the fridge and pored myself a glass of milk.
The stairs creaked above me. I watched as Emily walked down.
Her eyes met mine and she shoved whatever was in her hand into her robe pocket.
"Hello Eva, couldn't sleep I'm guessing" she asked sympathetically.
"Bingo" I sarcastically responded. She nodded her head once with a small smile.
"I heard about the food fiasco, are you ok" she questioned.
"Ya, I'm fine just a little off" I said finally realizing she wasn't going to give up.
"That's good" she said. She was pulling out a glass and filling it with water.
"How do you know Dean" I asked my curiosity getting the better of me.
"I have been training for many years because I want to avenge my fathers death. While I was training one year in Thailand I met him. We dated for a couple of years then broke it off" she said stiffly.
"Oh wait your the mysterious E girlfriend he had before me" I realized.
"Bingo" she replied copying what I had said earlier.
"Well I'm going to go back to bed see if I can sleep" I stated putting my glass in the sink and moving towards the stairs.
"Goodnight" she smiled.
I was on the second stair when Emily said "And Eva be good to him."
I nodded and continued up.

The next morning, Dean and I were both ready and packed for the rest of our trip.
"Leaving so soon" Emily said.
Dean laughed "Ya we gotta get to California."
"Oh well enjoy the trip, Hopefully you will visit more, good bye Eva" she bid us farewell.
"Good bye Emily" I said.
"Bye Em be safe" Dean told her, half hugging her.

We got in the car and raced away to California.

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