Chapter 3: Thief and Rain

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You know the best way to get ideas for Fanfictions?

Watch fairy tail xD

Juvia's POV:

Dinner was.....quiet.

I just picked at my food. I was too nervous to eat anything.

Thoughts run through my mind.

"What is going to say?"

"Will he be mad?"

"Can I ever see him again?"

I couldn't think straight. After dinner ended I went to my room to plan out my escape.

Levy slowly walks in. She knows I am going to see him tonight yet she doesn't look too happy.

"Juvia, Lyon has requested that you are in the same room with him tonight." Levy sighed.

"NO!" I yelled.

I can't. This dude is crazy!!! I only just met him!!

"I'm just kidding. But, Lyon does want to see you. I'm sorry you can't escape and tell Gray." Levy pouted.

Ha. Ha. Very funny Levy I'm dying of laughter *Sarcasm*

"Tell him....Juvia...Juvia isn't feeling well. Ya, that's right!" I perked up.

"Don't you think he will come to you and check up in you?" Levy said.

True.... But I'd rather risk getting caught then marry Lyon.

"Pretend to be Juvia! You can cover yourself up and pretend to sleep!"
I said happily.

"But we look completely different in size." Levy looks down.

Oh...I forgot about that...

"Just tell him that Juvia can't Juvia is too busy." I freaked.

"As you wish Juvia. Good luck and remember our signal." Levy bowed.

Ya our signal. Levy would stand guard at my door and if someone is needing me than she would press a button in her watch that would buzz on my watch. It's pretty cool and Levy did it by herself from reading all of those books.


As the night fell I was up. I put on a plain brown dress that goes to my knees. It has wide straps and I put on brown tights and brown boots. I messed my hair up a pit and grabbed my black cloak.

It was good to wear dark or neutral colors to blend in more. I opened my window and climbed down a sturdy vine.

I ran far, far away. I loved getting out of that cage. The cool breeze and the freedom of not having any worries. Marrying Lyon, being a princess, Gajeel being away. It's all gone. The only thing I want is my Gray-sama.

I went to the giant wooden barn in the forest.

I see a figure near the front of the barn as I drew closer.

"Gray-sama...." I whispered.

I couldn't help the stream of tears going down my cheeks. I ran over to Gray-sama and hugged him really tight not wanting to let go....

"Please, please don't leave Juvia...ever again!!!" I wailed.

"What's going on with you Juvia?" Gray concerned.

"I-I-I'm getting married." I cried.

Tears and tears went down. Gray pushed me away. He looked angry.

"Who is his guy? Huh! Whoever he is going to be bumbled to a pulp." Gray said whilst cracking his knuckles.

"His name his Lyon Vastia.... He is a prince and my parents are forcing me into this marriage that Juvia doesn't want." I sniffled.

Gray cupped his hands onto my cheek
Wiping away my tears. I felt warmth whenever Gray would comfort me and calm me down.

"When....when is the wedding." Gray looked away.

"3 months..." I muttered.

"When did you find out?" Gray said.

"Today. Juvia needed to tell you today. If anyone else told you then it would make you more angry that Juvia didn't tell you. I'm sorry." I felt the tears coming back.

Gray pulled me back in for a hug.

"It's not your fault, Juvia. I'm not letting this Lyon guy lay a finger on you, let alone marry you." Gray exclaimed.

"I love you. Thief." I smiled.

"I love you too. Rain." Gray smiled back.

We stayed together in this embrace not wanting to let go. It felt like forever and it makes me happy.

"Wanna come in for a drink inside?" Gray said.

"Juvia can't. Juvia should probably go before Juvia gets caught." I sighed.

"Can you come back tomorrow same time?" Gray said.

"Juvia isn't sure. Since Lyon is here it's very unexpected what he will do and what time. But, if Juvia isn't here by 8:00-8:25 P.M. then, it means that Juvia is stuck with Lyon and isn't sure when Juvia can leave." I exclaimed.

"Ok, I'll be waiting.....Rain." Gray kissed me goodbye on the cheek.

I always feel like I'm on cloud 9 when he kisses me.

We only kiss on the cheek for some reason. We have been together for about 2 years.

I pull away from the embrace and start to walk away. I stop and I turn around.

" you still love Juvia?" I ask.

"Of course! I'm not going to let Lyon get in between our love. If I didn't love you then why do say I love you every time we meet?" Gray said.

I felt happy that we still loves me even after I'm having an arranged marriage. I wave goodbye and I'm off.

Gray I promise that I won't marry Lyon. Your the one.

You are my....

Thief that completes my Rain.


Another way I find that I can write is write when it's late at night and half asleep xD

Also, I updated quick because I'm pretty sure you wanted to see what happens when Juvia meets Gray.

I'm leaving a tiny cliffhanger on what's inside the barn :3

Have a great day wherever you are!

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